Requires IPC v3.9.x or higher:
You will need to set up the ROS paths appropriately.
You will also need to set the MEX variable in your environment:
export MEX=/path/to/matlab/bin/mex
This will vary based on your system, install path, etc.
- My discovered dependencies for IPC 3.9.1: bison: one or more of (bison, bisonc++, libbison-dev) flex liballegro common-lisp-controller cl-quicklisp
NOTE (as of 10/23/14): There's a bug in bison and libbison-dev 3 that causes IPC to not compile. Instead, download bison/libbison-dev 2.7.1 ( )
- Follow the instructions at
Run the following twice:
In the following lines, replace the # signs with the appropriate numbers:
sudo cp lib/Linux-#.#/libipc.a /usr/local/lib/
sudo cp bin/Linux-#.#/central /usr/local/bin/
sudo cp bin/Linux-#.#/xdrgen /usr/local/bin/
sudo cp include/ipc.h /usr/local/include/
(Substitute your Matlab path inside the export)
- Exporting Mex File Path echo "export MEX=/usr/local/MATLAB/2014a/bin/mex" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
*To compile the Mex files, you need to place symlinks in /usr/local/bin/ to matlab, mbuild, mcc, mex, mexext which can be found in the bin directory of your MATLAB path
sudo cp /usr/local/MATLAB/2014a/bin/matlab /usr/local/bin
sudo cp /usr/local/MATLAB/2014a/bin/mbuild /usr/local/bin
- Installing IPC Bridge - rosmake ipc_bridge_ros
roscd ipc_rosgraph_msgs && make
roscd ipc_std_msgs && make
roscd ipc_geometry_msgs && make
roscd ipc_nav_msgs && make
roscd ipc_sensor_msgs && make