Cool type-safe Symbol query parameterized helper for Node-SQLite3.
Because jajanmen is delicious, and my other library is called Chanpon.
See the post about this library here:
See the talk about this library here:
First, prepare some queries:
-- inferred type:
:: forall a b
. J.AllowedParamType a
=> J.AllowedParamType b
=> SL.DBConnection
-> { "$name" :: a, "$count" :: b }
-> Aff Foreign
getEm db = J.queryDB db queryP
queryP = SProxy :: SProxy "select name, count from mytable where name = $name and count = $count"
-- inferred type:
getSomethin :: SL.DBConnection -> Aff Foreign
getSomethin db = J.queryDB db queryP params
queryP = SProxy :: SProxy "select name, count from mytable where name = $name and count = $count"
params = { "$name": "asdf", "$count": 4 }
-- inferred type:
:: forall a b
. J.AllowedParamType a
=> J.AllowedParamType b
=> SL.DBConnection
-> { "$name" :: a, "$count" :: b }
-> Aff Foreign
addSomethin db params = J.queryDB db queryP params
queryP = SProxy :: SProxy "insert or replace into mytable (name, count) values ($name, $count)"
Then put it to work:
type MyRow = { name :: String, count :: Int }
main :: Effect Unit
main = launchAff_ do
db <- SL.newDB "./test/testdb.sqlite"
_ <- SL.queryDB db "create table if not exists mytable (name text, count int)" []
_ <- SL.queryDB db "delete from mytable" []
_ <- addSomethin db { "$name": "apples", "$count": 3 }
_ <- addSomethin db { "$name": "asdf", "$count": 4 }
f1 <- getEm db { "$name": "apples", "$count": 3 }
testResult f1 [{ name: "apples", count: 3 }]
f2 <- getSomethin db
testResult f2 [{ name: "asdf", count: 4 }]
log "tests passed"
testResult f expected =
case f of
Left e -> throwError (error $ show e)
Right (actual :: Array MyRow) -> assertEqual { actual, expected }
assertEqual = liftEffect <<< Assert.assertEqual