Package slug
generate slug from unicode string, URL-friendly slugify with
multiple languages support.
package main
func main () {
text := slug.Make("Hellö Wörld хелло ворлд")
fmt.Println(text) // Will print hello-world-khello-vorld
someText := slug.Make("影師")
fmt.Println(someText) // Will print: ying-shi
enText := slug.MakeLang("This & that", "en")
fmt.Println(enText) // Will print 'this-and-that'
deText := slug.MakeLang("Diese & Dass", "de")
fmt.Println(deText) // Will print 'diese-und-dass'
slug.CustomSub = map[string]string{
"water": "sand",
textSub := slug.Make("water is hot")
fmt.Println(textSub) // Will print 'sand-is-hot'
go get -u
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