Usage: zui [options] [command]
zui: Sui command line tools
-V, --version output the version number
--json output in JSON format
-q, --quiet suppress non-error output
-v, --verbose show debug output
-h, --help display help for command
bulksend Airdrop coins to multiple addresses
bytecode-transform Modify Move bytecode by replacing constants and identifiers
bytecode-publish Publish Move bytecode files as a Sui package
coin-send Send a coin amount to an address
coin-zero-destroy Destroy all zero-balance coin objects
coin-zero-send Create and transfer zero-balance coins
empty-wallet Transfer all non-SUI objects to an address
find-last-tx Find the latest transaction for one or more Sui addresses
find-coin-holders Find coin holders and their balances
find-nft-holders Find unique holders of an NFT collection
find-nfts Find all NFTs (object ID, owner, and name) in a collection
find-nft-verified Find all NFT collections that are verified on TradePort
msg-sign Sign a Sui personal message with your active keypair
msg-verify Validate a Sui personal message signature
rand-addr Generate pseudorandom Sui addresses
help display help for command
npm --global install @polymedia/zui
zui -h
If you'll fetch NFT data, set your credentials as environment variables:
export INDEXER_API_USER=your_username
export INDEXER_API_KEY=your_api_key
git clone
cd polymedia-zui
cd src/cli
pnpm i
pnpm zui -h
Optionally, create a src/cli/.env
file with your credentials.