Simple library to send push notifications to Android and iOS devices
Fork from:
require original package:
$ composer require gonzalo123/androidpusher
override package repository in composer.json
"repositories": [
"url": "",
"type": "git"
"require": {
"gonzalo123/androidpusher": "dev-master",
Prepare your message and API keys
$title = "Title";
$message = "Hello!";
$androidDeviceToken = "APA91bEArdlAAMqGrcXtxWYZFue30fSVKiVSVqnXiCyK2AI2ZBTHclI-biWJShtDWi0lmwNTkB6fCPWvvDIcOYBIUbdvU9dPdNwWAeRwLxyE_gRP2FUdSGkB901wpA0_1pG0ikuTpTeeJKiIe2f2-z67hjUlhlv97D2dRdZq-3gmr2soXlkzs7gqYGzSHW8k62_WRFpkkOpM";
$iOSDeviceToken = '3b24e2b4ed3e92e59428eeadab2cee972d6aa14184b133fad09d48e62a3d48b6';
$iOSPassphrase = 'pass';
$androidApiKey = "AIzaSyAkBcScJJ_MWswDRYm7y_qptno-KuwKo65";
Android pusher for Google Cloud Messaging (deprecated)
$androidPusher = new AndroidPusher\Pusher($androidApiKey);
$androidPusher->notify($androidDeviceToken, [
"message" => $message,
"title" => $title,
Android pusher for Firebase Cloud Messaging
$androidPusher = new AndroidPusher\Pusher($androidApiKey, null, true);
$androidPusher->notify($androidDeviceToken, [
"message" => $message,
"title" => $title,
IOS Pusher You need store key for Apple certificate in root folder with name "ck.pem".
$iOSPusher = new iOSPusher\Pusher($iOSPassphrase);
$iOSPusher->notify($iOSDeviceToken, [
"alert" => [
"title" => $title,
"body" => $message,
"sound" => "default",
If you want to show more than one notification in your notification bar on Android you have to iterate parameter notId. Example:
$androidPusher->notify($androidDeviceToken, [
"message" => $message,
"title" => $title,
"notId" => 1
$androidPusher->notify($androidDeviceToken, [
"message" => $message2,
"title" => $title2,
"notId" => 2
$androidDeviceTokens = [
# ...
$androidPusher->notify($androidDeviceTokens, [
"message" => $message,
"title" => $title,