Capture from their metadata and driver installation files, as they're ending support in March. Scraping is done with requests & beautifulsoup. Downloads are calls to wget from python.
- bs4
- requests
- lxml
- json
Per model python class for scraping the driver files and metadata; such as title, description, size, os, etc. Appends unique entries per model to ./filelist.txt Writes .json to ./metadata/
Scrapes for a complete model list of desktop and laptop Vaio products Writes to ./desktops.json and ./laptops.json
Example for reading back the json data into python Can be called from the shell with '' to print its metadata to STDOUT read from ./metadata/.json Or tinker with the code to do stuff with reloaded python dictionaries Note that '/' symbols in model name get converted to underscore '_' but either works for the script in the shell arg input
Example grab-all script using the above mentioned scripts along with wget called from python. Logic is very dumb and you may end up with 30+ simultaneous downloads.
Example option to input one model in as a shell arg and download its meta data and drivers. Probably a better option to use than, for there are better ways to do parallel downloads. It also will build upon filelist.txt as you use it. onedl.png
Run at your own risk! No guarantees of best practices, best conventions, or safety to your system and network resources. Dev & testing was done in a debian based distro (ubuntu or raspbian would work).
sudo apt install -y git python python-pip virtualenv wget screen
cd ~/my_massive_storage_space
git clone && cd vaioscrape
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install bs4 requests lxml
In another window monitor downloads with: tail -f ./vaiodownload.log may be tweaked to add more logic to parallel downloads. Or simply remove the download parts of the code and let it just gather json files and the flat filelist of URLs. Afterwards, a more well-made download logic could go through filelist.txt. As-is, with a flat drivers dir, wget should be able to ignore duplicate downloads as similiar models will likely use the same files.
Once the data and files are gathered, a front end or query tool of some kind will be needed to sort the installation files themselves. They will still be stored flat like on the Sony site!
could be used as a foundation for this to copy files locally based on the <model>.json
files presented.