Release 1.0.9
Changes Log / 更新日志
Compare to 1.0.4 (Last stable release) / 与 1.0.4(上一次稳定更新)相比
- 💡 dd0bf68 Update Zerotier core to 1.10.6 / 升级 Zerotier 核心至 1.10.6 (#19)
- 💡 1781d23 Show APP version on the status bar on the network list page / 在网络列表底栏增加显示 APP 版本
- 💡 1fe4ffe Show DNS Mode on the network detail page / 在网络详细页面增加显示网络的 DNS 模式
- 🔨 721553e Fixed network detail page not updated after connection / 修正网络信息页面在连接成功后内容不更新的问题 (#44)
- 🔨 fde9f0d Format of communication path in peer list is incorrect / 结点列表中通信路径的显示格式错误 (#41)
- 🔨 b0d4b30 Cannot download custom planet file through HTTP URL / 无法通过 HTTP 链接下载 Planet 文件 (#4)
- 🔨 4e0847d No permission to open selected custom planet file / 选择本地自定义 Planet 文件时可能因权限问题导致失败 (#4)
- 🔨 f8d1c24 The APP hangs and consumes excessive memory during remote ADB debugging via Zerotier / 通过 Zt 网络进行远程 ADB 调试时 APP 占用大量内存并卡死 (#25)
- refactor 2c3b1ba Replace pre-built JNI library with upstream source code / 将预编译的 Zerotier 核心 JNI 库替换为通过上游 Zerotier 源代码进行编译 (#32)
Compare to 1.0.8_011006_alpha / 与 1.0.8_011006_alpha 相比
- 💡 1781d23 Show APP version on the status bar on the network list page / 在网络列表底栏增加显示 APP 版本
- 🔨 fde9f0d Format of communication path in peer list is incorrect / 结点列表中通信路径的显示格式错误 (#41)
- 🔨 b0d4b30 Cannot download custom planet file through HTTP URL / 无法通过 HTTP 链接下载 Planet 文件 (#4)
- 🔨 4e0847d No permission to open selected custom planet file / 选择本地自定义 Planet 文件时可能因权限问题导致失败 (#4)
- 🔨 f8d1c24 The APP hangs and consumes excessive memory during remote ADB debugging via Zerotier / 通过 Zt 网络进行远程 ADB 调试时 APP 占用大量内存并卡死 (#25)
- 🔨 a932f69 Missing neighbor solicitation when handling IPv6 payload with unknown destination MAC / 当 IPv6 包发送至未知 MAC 的地址时遗漏发送 NS 包导致无法建立连接 (#51)
- refactor 2c3b1ba Replace pre-built JNI library with upstream source code / 将预编译的 Zerotier 核心 JNI 库替换为通过上游 Zerotier 源代码进行编译 (#32)
Notification / 一些说明
The 1.0.9 update is the last functional update for the 1.0.x version, after which the focus of development will shift to the 1.1.x version. All planned feature updates will continue to be developed in the 1.1.x updates, and the 1.0.x version will only undergo bug fixes and other maintenance work.
Currently, Zerotier Fix has started maintaining a fork of the Zerotier core. Therefore, starting from version 1.0.9, the version number will no longer include the official Zerotier core version as a suffix. However, the core version will still be displayed in the APP's bottom bar.
1.0.9 是 1.0.x 版本的最后一次功能更新,之后开发重心将会转移至 1.1.x。现有计划的功能更新都将会在 1.1.x 更新中继续开发,1.0.x 版本仅会进行 BUG 修复等维护工作
目前 Zerotier Fix 已经开始维护 Zerotier 核心的 Fork 了,因此从 1.0.9 开始版本号将不再包含官方的 Zerotier 核心版本作为后缀,APP 底栏的核心版本仍会保留显示
File Hash / 文件哈希
- MD5: 3fd59b2c73c823392c758b97000ac5da
- SHA1: 8b014674059a1cacf590a56852cf9447638aa797
- SHA256: ff42a4170909914919947409eabf45ce6e6373bf9a19a96ce929eedac4ef9b89