Note: All the procedures has been tested on Mac using
Create a new docker registry locally
Edit your /etc/hosts/ file registry.local
Test the registry
docker pull containous/whoami
docker tag containous/whoami registry.local:5000/containous/whoami:latest
docker push registry.local:5000/containous/whoami:latest
Create a new k3d cluster using the command below. It will install the cluster without Traefik that we will deploy in the next step.
k3d cluster create $cluster_name \
--k3s-arg "--no-deploy=traefik@server:0" \
--port "80:32080@loadbalancer" \
--port "443:32443@loadbalancer" \
--port "9000:32090@loadbalancer" \
--port "9042:32091@loadbalancer" \
--port "9142:32092@loadbalancer" \
--port "8880:30080@loadbalancer" \
--port "8881:30081@loadbalancer" \
--port "8882:30082@loadbalancer"
Use the Traefik Helm values file traefik.values.yaml
to install.
helm repo add traefik
helm repo update
helm install traefik traefik/traefik -n traefik --create-namespace -f traefik.values.yaml
To make sure that the deployment is running
kubectl get svc -n traefik
To test the Traefik deployment, apply the test-k3d-traefik.yaml
and run the following command
curl -k https://localhost:80/whoami/