The Alert on Endpoint (AoE) repository contains a variety of scripts and source code that can be used to trigger a Windows message box.
Within each file, the <MESSAGE>
placeholder should be replaced with the message that should be presented to the user and the <TITLE>
placeholder should be replaced with a name for the pop-up window. The commands below assume basic execution on the target Windows host, but should be modified accordingly if used remotely or in conjunction with a C2 framework.
Compile the C++ program:
gcc aoe.cpp -o aoe.exe
Execute the EXE via Command Prompt:
Execute the PowerShell script via PowerShell:
Execute the Powershell script via Command Prompt:
PowerShell -File aoe.ps1
Execute the Visual Basic script via Command Prompt:
cscript aoe.vbs
- CNA Script
- Customizable Window
- Misc