Grant remote access to user account without sharing credentials.
Remote Control can be installed via composer:
composer require "katsana/remote-control"
The package will automatically register a service provider.
Next, you need to publish the Remote Control configuration file:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="RemoteControl\RemoteServiceProvider" --tag="config"
Before creating any remote access, we need to declare verification route:
To use signed URL you should include signed
RemoteControl\Remote::verifyRoute('remote-control')->middleware(['signed', 'web']);
You can create a remote access by running the following code:
$user = request()->user();
$recipientEmail = '[email protected]';
$content = 'Please help me';
$accessToken = RemoteControl\Remote::create($user, $recipientEmail, $content);
You can get the URL using the following method:
You can also get signed URL using the following method:
You can automatically send an email to the recipient via the following Mailable
Mail::send(new RemoteControl\Mail\GrantRemoteAccess($user, $accessToken, $content));