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KBase Blob store

Build status (master): Build Status codecov

The blob store is a simple file storage service backed by an S3 compatible storage system such as Minio. Storing a file provides a key - currently a UUID - that allows retrival of the file when provided along with proper credentials. Once stored, files are immutable other than deletion.

The user is responsible for saving the key for use later - in the context of KBase, that means creating a handle for the file via the handle service and saving an object to the workspace containing that handle in an @id handle annotation, or saving the key directly in the workspace object in an @id bytestream annotation. See the workspace documentation for details; also the DataFileUtil module can assist with these functions in the context of KBase applications.

The API is nominally compatible with a minimal subset of the KBase fork of Shock's API. The vast majority of functions are not supported; only those required for the KBase codebase are included.

API Data structures


This data structure is a subset of Shock's node data structure.

  "data": {
    "attributes": null,                               # DEPRECATED
    "created_on": "2019-05-30T23:50:19.000Z",
    "file": {
      "checksum": {
        "md5": "1b9554867d35f0d59e4705f6b2712cd1"
      "name": "foo",                                  # Provided filename (see below)
      "size": 8
    "format": "bar",                                  # Provided file format (see below)
    "id": "c39192c7-45b1-4fec-b196-5976d8e628f7",     # The node ID generated by the blobstore.
    "last_modified": "2019-05-30T23:50:19.000Z"
  "error": null,
  "status": 200

attributes is deprecated, always null and is only provided for backwards compatibility reasons.

last_modified is always the same as created_on and is only included for backwards compatibility reasons. Unlike Shock, the blobstore does not take ACL modifications into account when setting the last_modified date.


This data structure is a subset of Shock's ACL data structure.

  "data": {
    "delete": [User],
    "owner": User,
    "public": {
      "delete": false,
      "read:" <true if the node is publically readable, false otherwise>,
      "write": false
    "read": [User...],
    "write": [User],
  "error": null,
  "status": 200

delete and write ACLs are deprecated and only provided for backwards compatibility reasons. They are always false for public access or contain only the node owner for standard ACLs.

A User is usually just the UUID assigned to the user by the blobstore, but when full verbosity (see below) is requested, the User data structure is:

  "uuid": <the user's UUID assigned by the blobstore>,
  "username": <the user's KBase account name>


This data structure is identical to Shock's error data structure.

  "data": null,
  "error": [<error string>],
  "status": <http status code as an integer>



Requests are authenticated by including the header Authorization: OAuth <kbase token> or including a cookie with the value of <kbase token> in the request.

The names of cookies that the server will check are set in the deployment configuration file.

The header takes precedence, then each cookie in the list in the configuration file in order.

Note that for backwards compatibility, incorrect or invalid authentication headers respond with a 400 HTTP code. Invalid cookies respond with the appropriate 401 code.


  "deprecationwarning": "The id and version fields are deprecated.",
  "id": "Shock",
  "servername": "blobstore",
  "servertime": <server time in epoch milliseconds>,
  "serverversion": <server version>,
  "version": "0.9.6"
  "gitcommit": <git commit from which the server was built>

The id and version fields are deprecated and present only for backwards compatibility with Shock. The version field will not change.

Upload a file / create a node

Content-Length header required
POST /node[?filename=<filename>&format=<file format>]
<file content>

RETURNS: a Node.

The Content-Length header must be present and accurate.

PUT is also supported - but is not idempotent - in order to ease using the curl -T option:

curl -H "Authorization: OAuth $KBASE_TOKEN" -T mylittlefile

filename can be at most 256 characters consisting of only unicode alphanumerics, space, and the characters [ ] ( ) = . - _.
format can be at most 100 characters consisting of only unicode alphanumerics and the characters - _.

Copy a node

POST /node/<id>/copy

RETURNS: a Node.

Get a node

GET /node/<id>

RETURNS: a Node.

Get a node's ACLs

GET /node/<id>/acl[?verbosity=full]


Download a file from a node

GET /node/<id>?download[_raw][&seek=#][&length=#][&del]

RETURNS: the file content.

?download_raw, as opposed to ?download, causes the Content-Disposition header to be omitted.

seek causes the first # bytes of the file to be skipped. A seek value greater than or equal to the file size is an error. Defaults to 0.

length determines the number of bytes of the file to return after skipping seek bytes. length may be greater than the remaining file length. Defaults to 0, which indicates that the remainder of the file should be returned.

del causes the node to be deleted once the file contents have been streamed. The user must be the node owner or a service administrator. Note this is playing very fast and loose with the semantics of an HTTP GET.

Set a node to be publicly readable

PUT /node/<id>/acl/public_read[?verbosity=full]


Set a node to be privately readable

DELETE /node/<id>/acl/public_read[?verbosity=full]


Add users to a node's read ACL

PUT /node/<id>/acl/read?users=<comma separated list of KBase user names>[&verbosity=full]


Remove users from a node's read ACL

DELETE /node/<id>/acl/read?users=<comma separated list of KBase user names>[&verbosity=full]


Change a node's owner

PUT /node/<id>/acl/owner?users=<KBase user name>[&verbosity=full]


The users parameter must contain a single user name.

Upload a file / create a node via a MIME multipart form

This upload method is provided for Shock compatibilty. It is recommended that the prior upload method is used rather than this one.

POST /node
<multipart form>

RETURNS: a Node.

The form MUST contain a part called upload where the part contents are the file to be uploaded. The part MUST have an accurate Content-Length header specifing the size of the file, not the entire multipart form.

The form may contain a part called format where the part contents are the format of the file, equivalent to the format query parameter for the standard upload method and with the same restrictions. The format part MUST come before the upload part.

Any file name provided in the Content-Disposition header has the same restrictions as the filename parameter for the standard upload method.

Curl example

curl -H "Authorization: OAuth $KBASE_TOKEN" \
  -F "[email protected];headers=\"Content-Length: 67452\"" \

Python example

import os
import requests
from requests_toolbelt.multipart.encoder import MultipartEncoder

df = open(filename, 'rb')
files = {'upload': (filename, df, None, {'Content-Length': os.path.getsize(filename)})}
mpe = MultipartEncoder(fields=files)
headers = {'Content-Type': mpe.content_type,
           'authorization': 'OAuth ' + token}

res ='http://<host>/node', headers=headers, data=mpe, stream=True)

Java example

package blobstoreclienttest;

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;

import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.entity.mime.FormBodyPartBuilder;
import org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntityBuilder;
import org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.InputStreamBody;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients;

public class blobstoreclient {
	public static void main(final String[] args) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException {
		final String fileName = args[0];
		final String token = args[1];
		// probably don't want to use the default client for most applications
		final CloseableHttpClient cli = HttpClients.createDefault();
		final HttpPost htp = new HttpPost("http://<host>/node");
		htp.setHeader("authorization", "OAuth " + token);

		final Path p = Paths.get(fileName);
		final MultipartEntityBuilder mpeb = MultipartEntityBuilder.create();
		final InputStream in = Files.newInputStream(p);
				.addField("Content-Length", "" + Files.size(p))
				.setBody(new InputStreamBody(in, p.getFileName().toString())).build());
		final CloseableHttpResponse response = cli.execute(htp);
		IOUtils.copy(response.getEntity().getContent(), System.out);

Copy a node via a MIME multipart form

This copy method is provided for Shock compatibilty. It is recommended that the prior copy method is used rather than this one.

POST /node
<multipart form>

RETURNS: a Node.

The multipart form must have exactly one part with the name copy_data and the value the id of the node to copy.

Curl example:

curl -H "Authorization: OAuth $KBASE_TOKEN" -F "copy_data=<node id>" http://<host>/node/


  • go 1.16
  • An S3 compatible storage system. The Blobstore is tested with Minio version 2019-05-23T00-29-34Z.
    • If Minio is used and the version is 2019-05-14T23-57-45Z or larger the server must be run in --compat mode.
  • MongoDB 2.6+

Running the server:

  • An S3 compatible storage system and MongoDB must be running.
  • Copy deploy.cfg.example to deploy.cfg and adjust the values as necessary.
  • In the module directory:
    • go build app/blobstore.go
    • ./blobstore --conf deploy.cfg

To build the git commit into the server:

export GIT_COMMIT=$(git rev-list -1 HEAD) 
    && go build -ldflags "-X main.gitCommit=$GIT_COMMIT" app/blobstore.go


  • Adding code
    • All code additions and updates must be made as pull requests directed at the develop branch.
      • All tests must pass and all new code must be covered by tests.
      • All new code must be documented appropriately
        • Godoc
        • General documentation if appropriate
        • Release notes
    • Exception mapping is handled in server/errortypes.go.
  • Releases
    • The master branch is the stable branch. Releases are made from the develop branch to the master branch.
    • Update the version as per the semantic version rules in app/blobstore.go.
    • Tag the version in git and github.
      • Tags must follow the Go module semantic version format, e.g. vX.Y.Z.


Copy test.cfg.example to test.cfg and adjust the values as necessary.

BLOBSTORE_TEST_CFG=[absolute path to test.cfg] go test ./...

Each package gets its own working directory during tests so the path to the test.cfg file cannot be relative.

Mocks are generated with v1.0.0.

Known issues

  • Providing a Content-Type header of multipart/form-data; boundary= when trying to copy a node will result in the go function that parses multipart data asserting that the http body is not form data, and so the body will be processed as a file upload. This is an issue in the go mime library.

  • Providing a Content-Length that is larger than the http body when uploading a file will cause the connection to hang forever. (Note that a content length > file length looks the same to the server as a hanging upload.)


  • HTTP2 support

S3/Minio experimental server

While exploring upload speeds with various upload methods, this server was generated.