Contains code for use in tests, including exception checkers, methods to add data to Auth2 testmode, and controllers for 3rd party data stores.
See for instructions on how to include JitPack built dependencies in your build.
JavaDoc is available at<version>/javadoc/
For example:
- Adding code
- All code additions and updates must be made as pull requests directed at the develop branch.
- All tests must pass and all new code must be covered by tests.
- All new code must be documented appropriately
- Javadoc
- General documentation if appropriate
- Release notes
- All code additions and updates must be made as pull requests directed at the develop branch.
- Releases
- The main branch is the stable branch. Releases are made from the develop branch to the main branch.
- Tag the version in git and github.
- Create a github release.
- Check that the javadoc is appropriately built on JitPack.
./gradlew test
- Add tests
- Javadoc