A progressive web app to help users to remember to take their creatine every morning.
Inspired by a dietitian that I follow on instagram that I know, who constantly posts "creatine reminders" on his stories for his clients. Since I am forgetful in taking my creatine before starting my day I decided to create a web application to help remind me as well as a fun way for me to learn a new technology (Firebase)
- React
- Vite
- Firebase
In order to reach Minimum Viable product the following pages must be implemented:
- A Welcome page
- A login Page with both email/password and google OAuth sign in
- A sign up page
- A forget password page
- A dashboard page which changes based on if a user is new or if its a current user
- A page to enter in Creatine Tub
- A settings page
- Learn more page
The following features must be implemented to reach MVP
- Authentication (Login with both email/password and Google OAuth)
- CRUD Operations of adding in Creatine (Create, Update, Delete)
- Notifications
- Meets all requirements of Progressive Web app
The following components must be created
- Card component
- Button Component
- Input Component
- Text area Component
- Graph Component
- Calendar Component
- Toggle Component
** Coming soon **
<iframe style="border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);" width="800" height="450" src="https://www.figma.com/embed?embed_host=share&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.figma.com%2Ffile%2FNCtEjwv3iuBJe10fH3TI6K%2FCreatineReminder4u%3Ftype%3Ddesign%26node-id%3D0%253A1%26mode%3Ddesign%26t%3D5DtayFoPe4BJfwr0-1" allowfullscreen></iframe>https://whimsical.com/creatinereminder4u-E3mkxe9iv5eSd7fwPGrzsu