Node Express MongoDB Preact PWA hosted on
- Express as a server
- MongoDB / Mongoose to store data
- Preact Material Components as layout
- Preact Router for navigation
- Unistore for state management
- Parcel Bundler for bundling
- Parcel Plugin SW Cache for Progressive Web Application support
- Mocha with Travis integration for server tests
- 100% in Lighthouse Audit
- 28.08 - Mocha tests and Travis integration
- 21.08 - Preact Router and Unistore added
- 14.08 - Create/Remove/Update/Delete operations in async/await way
- 26.07 - Compression added in server. Disable http on production.
- 25.07 - Parcel Plugin SW Cache for PWA and Lighthouse audit
- 24.07 - Preact & Preact Material Components with Parcel Bundler
- 23.07 - Integration with Herokuapp
- 20.07 - Express and MongoDB & Mongoose setup