Hey, look, it's one of those git visualizer things. Inspired by the beautiful acaudwell/Gource project. This rough script uses mbostock/d3 to create a force directed layout of your git repo, showing commits over time by the authors.
Check out a demo, using the jquery repo as an example, here: http://kennethkufluk.github.io/jsource/
To run this over your own repo:
Install gource (
brew install gource
) -
to the root of your repo -
Create a git log file
gource --output-custom-log mylog.log
Copy that file to the jsource folder
Convert your log file to json
node format_log.js
Start a local browser
python -m SimpleHTTPServer &
Load up index.html
open http://localhost:8000/
Copyrighted, licensed and patented to the hilt. I own you now.
(HTML and CSS adapted from the force-directed layout example of d3.)