Place where you vent (whisper) your feelings to strangers. Live site here.
Feel free to test the app using the following credentials of sample accounts, or create own account. Welcome any issue or suggestion.
- Username:
; password:@sophie123
- Username:
; password:@alex123
Google Chrome security issue. This issue is believed to be linked to the 'Continue with Google' button (which has been disabled in the production environment). Given that this project emphasizes authentication, the author is reluctant to completely remove the button. If you feel confident in the security measures, you are welcome to proceed; otherwise, visit the site with different browser.
- Express.js
- MongoDB (via Mongoose)
- Passport.js
- nodemailer
Authentication/authorization. Available login methods:
- username and password
- Google OAuth (disabled on production)
- Facebook OAuth (disabled on production)
- email magic link (disabled on production)
Username and password can be set later if first logged in with another method.
Only username and password allowed on production; OAuths require registration; nodemailer is blocked by account security issues.
Friend features. Only approved friends can view your private whispers.
Like system.
Responsive design.