The chessboard is an 8 x 8 grid with 64 cells in it. With 8 rows (A, B, C…. H) and 8 columns (1, 2, 3…. 8), each cell can be uniquely identified with its cell number. This can be seen illustrated below.
Chess pieces and their movements:
The game of chess has 6 unique types of pieces, with their own unique types of movements. These are:
1.) King – Can move only 1 step at a time in all 8 directions (horizontal, vertical and diagonal)
2.) Queen – Can move across the board in all 8 directions
3.) Bishop – Can move across the board only diagonally
4.) Horse – Can move across the board only in 2.5 steps (2 vertical steps and 1 horizontal step)
5.) Rook – Can move across the board only vertically and horizontally
6.) Pawn – Can move only 1 step at a time, in the forward direction, vertically. Can also move 1 step forward diagonally, in order to eliminate an opposing
Possible Inputs and Outputs:
**Input** – The input string to your program will be the **Type** of chess piece and its **Position** (cell number) on the chessboard. E.g. **“King D5”**
**Output** – Once you execute the program, the output will be a string of **all possible cells in which the chess piece can move.**
Assumption: Assume that the board is empty. This means that the pawn cannot move diagonally.
This application is built on Node.JS (express.js framework) as well as we used some additional packages for security purpose and unit testing purpose.
i. express - Node.JS Framework
ii. express-validator - Request validator
iii. helmet - Helmet helps you secure your Express apps by setting various HTTP headers.
iv. underscore - Underscore.js is a utility-belt library for JavaScript
v. chai - devDependency - Chai.js is a javascript test framework
vi. chai-http - devDependency - chai-http is used for create http request for unit test
vi. chai-http - devDependency - chai-http is used for create http request for unit test
vii. express-swagger-generator - devDependency - It is used for generating a API documentation
viii. mochawesome - devDependency - Mochawesome is a custom reporter for use with the Javascript testing framework.
ix. standard - devDependency - Standard is a JavaScript style guide.
To get the chess pieces movement follow the below steps.
i. Install the dependencies using npm install command
ii. Run the Server using 'npm start' command. It will listen on http://localhost:8080
ii. Hit HTTP Request to URL http://localhost:8080/api/v1/chessBoard/ with POST method with given input parameters
iii. select 'Pawn' from given array. E.g. ['King', 'Queen', 'Bishop', 'Horse', 'Rook', 'Pawn']
iv. select position of row from given array. E.g [a,b,c,d,e,f,g]
v. select position of column from given array. E.g [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
In this way you can get the possible moves of each pieces.
Ketav Chotaliya