FFTPack aims to provide an easily usable package of functions using FFTPack library (Fortran 77).
This repo contains two libraries:
- FFTpack library
Contains FFT functions. - Forlab library
Forlab is a Fortran module that provides a lot of functions for scientific computing mostly inspired by Matlab and Python's package NumPy.
git clone https://github.com/zoziha/FFTPack.git
cd FFTPack
To build this library you need
- gfortran version > 10 (better or you need to modify the makefile: remove the '-fallow-argument-mismatch' flag)
- gnu make
- terminal
# executable program
make test
# fftpack lib and its includes
make fftpack
When you make
this repo, you will get a executable program example_fft.exe
in the "./bin" folder, you type make test
to run it automatically.
When you type make fftpack
, you will get two compiled library files (dynamic and static versions availabe: dll.a/.a)
in the "./bin" folder and header files in the "./bin/include" folder. That you can distribute them (fftpack and forlab libraries).
Compilation method 2: fpm
To build this library you need
- gfortran
- fpm
To use fftpack within your fpm project, add the following to fpm.toml file:
fftpack = {git = "https://github.com/keurfonluu/FFTPack.git" }
# gfortran version < 10
fpm build
# gfortran version > 10
fpm build --flag '-fallow-argument-mismatch'
According to your gfortran version, select and type the above corresponding command line, you will find your compiled results in the "./build" folder.
# gfortran version < 10
fpm test
# gfortran version > 10
fpm test --flag '-fallow-argument-mismatch'
According to your gfortran version, select and type the above corresponding command line, you can run the test program.
Or you copy the the executable program example_fft
from the "./build" folder to the "./example" folder,
then you type ./example_fft
to run it linking the "*.bin" files.
program example_fft
use fftpack, only: fft, ifft, czt, conv, xcorr, hilbert, filter, &
freq2ind, ind2freq, fftshift, ifftshift
use forlab, only: disp, ones, loadbin, savebin
implicit none
integer(kind = 4) :: i, k
real(kind = 8) :: toc_time
real(kind = 8), dimension(:), allocatable :: x, y, w, signal, fsignal
complex(kind = 8), dimension(:), allocatable :: cfft
! 1D Fast Fourier transform
print *, "1D Fast Fourier transform:"
x = [ 1., 1., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. ]
call disp(fft(x))
! 1D Fast Fourier transform using CZT
print *; print *, "1D Fast Fourier transform using CZT:"
call disp(czt(x))
print *; print *, "1D Inverse Fourier transform:"
call disp(ifft(fft(x, 10)))
! Convolution
print *; print *, "Convolution:"
call disp(conv(dble([ 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6. ]), dble([ 6., 7., 8., 1., 2., 4. ])))
! Correlation
print *; print *, "Correlation:"
call disp(xcorr(dble([ 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6. ]), dble([ 6., 7., 8., 1., 2., 4. ])))
! Hilbert transform
print *; print *, "Hilbert transform:"
call disp(hilbert(dble([ 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6. ])))
! Smooth data using convolution
print *; print *, "Smooth data using convolution:"
x = [ -2., 3., 5., -8., 8., 7., -8., -5., 2. ]
k = 3
y = conv(dble(x), ones(k))
y = y(k/2+1:k/2+size(x)) / k
call disp(y)
! Convert frequency to index
print *; print *, "Convert frequency to index:"
print *, freq2ind(250., 500., 1200)
! Convert index to frequency
print *; print *, "Convert index to frequency:"
print *, ind2freq(600, 500., 1200)
! Shift the Fourier transform
print *; print *, "Shift the Fourier transform:"
cfft = fft(x, 10)
cfft = fftshift(cfft)
call disp(cfft)
! Inverse shift the Fourier transform
print *; print *, "Inverse shift the Fourier transform:"
cfft = ifftshift(cfft)
call disp(cfft)
! Filter a signal
print *; print *, "Filter a real seismic signal between 1 and 10 Hz:"
signal = loadbin("utils/signal.bin")
fsignal = filter(signal, 100.0d0, 3, dble([ 1., 10. ]), 2, dble(0.5))
call system("rm -rf utils/fsignal.bin")
call savebin("utils/fsignal.bin", fsignal)
print *, "Filtered signal saved in utils/fsignal.bin"
print *
end program example_fft