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Contributing to the Project

Kevin Obee edited this page Nov 13, 2013 · 1 revision

If you are interested in contributing to the growth and development of Sitecore.Ship in even a small way, please read the notes below.

The project can be built and tested from the command line by entering:


Please ensure that there are no compilation or test failures and no code analysis warnings are being reported.

Running the Smoke Tests

The build.proj file contains a set of smoke tests to verify that the Sitecore.Ship features all run successfully when the package has been installed in a Sitecore website.

In order to run these smoke tests you will need to:

  • Have a local install of Sitecore.

  • Set the TestWebsitePath and TestWebsiteUrl in the build\environment.props to reference the local Sitecore website.

  • Ensure that the test website has the Ship package installed by running the following in the Package Manager Console:

    install-package Sitecore.Ship -Source <path to folder containing your sitecore.ship nupkg file>

You can then run the smoke tests by entering:

.\build RunSmokeTests

A series of curl commands fire off HTTP requests to the Sitecore.Ship service routes and the results are printed out to the console. Each of these commands should execute successfully before you send a pull request back to the main project.

Your participation in the project is very much welcomed.

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