This is my code in place 2021 final project. In this project,I had written a program/script that can send emails in Python using smtplib.In this project ,I had only sent/attach plain texts and pdf file. But you can also send/attach images-jpg,...( simply connect to a gmail smtp server, login with our email credentials and send an email to the gmail you want to send/attach -plain texts,images and pdf file)
- Enter your Gmail Id :[email protected]
- Enter your specific app password: vztafptubxplssyn [note: Here put your generated password]
Screenshot of Generated app password.
Enter Gmail Id you want to send: [email protected]
Enter your mail subject : Internship
Enter your mail message : I am pleased to confirm your acceptance of an internship as web developer with XYZ company . Please see attached pdf for more detail.
Enter filname of pdf file. For example: note.pdf,kewang_cv.pdf,document.pdf
- Filename:hello.pdf
- {}
- Sucessfully email send