is a backend agnostic tool for circuit building. It collects various types of constraints and copy relations between witnesses. In synthesis time it stores constaints as intermediate representations that would define a circuit. It generates witnesses in prover time. Witness values filled in intermediate representations then can be moved to a backend to generate the proof. It is compatible with zkcrypto/ff and arkworks/ark-ff and plonky3/p3-field field traits. This should allow further integrations to other proof system backends. Additionally we provide integration with the halo2 backend.
Alongside collecting linear-in-witness or quadratic-in-witness zero sum relations, tetris
has a few build in gadgets:
- Range decompositions
- A special type of linear-in-witness expression
- Dynamic read only memory where table is determined in prover time
- Static read only memory, typical vector lookups
- Poseidon sponge
- Non native field arithmetic
- Also available when modulus is determined in prover time
- Short Weistrass ECC operations
- Including MSM & ECDSA verification
- RSA signature verification with SHA256
- BN254 pairing check
Some of the techniques in gadgets are ported or inspired from barratenberg, axiom-crypto/halo2-lib, pse/halo2wrong