Leafii is an open source portfolio search engine community.
First, clone the repo
$ cd ~/Documents
$ git clone [email protected]:sinr0202/leafii_delta.git
To run the server, you will need meteor
$ curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh
This will install the latest meteor on the machine. Next cd into the project & download the dependency modules.
$ cd leafii_delta
$ meteor npm install
$ meteor
The last command should take a while intially. It downloads meteor packages and handles the boot. After running this command intially, the consecutive commands should be faster. The command should have also launch the server instance at port 3000
To run server, run:
$ meteor
On remote development/production servers, you will want to launch the instances, then detach them. To launch meteor & detach the process follow these steps:
$ nohup meteor run --production
# [ctrl] + [z] // puts on stop in the background
$ bg
# [ctrl] + [d] // exits the ssh connection
You can check on the server output even after launching the instance in the background:
$ tail -f nohup.out
If the server reboot, your volume is probably unmounted. To mount:
$ sudo mount /dev/vdc /media/volume1/
nginx is probably also down. start nginx:
$ sudo nginx
proceed to launch the http server as previous section. It may take a minute or two for https to function properly.
To securely operate the server, we need environment variables:
export NODE_ENV=production
export ROOT_URL=http://leafii.com
export [email protected]
export PASSWORD=*********
export LC_ALL=C #for mongodb
export PRERENDER_SERVICE_URL=http://leafii.com:3005/
export PORT=3005 #for prerenderer
export CRAWLERSRC='/media/volume1/leafii_crawler/'
For convenience:
alias ll='ls -la'
alias acme.sh='/home/ubuntu/.acme.sh/acme.sh'
The cloud servers cannot access each other on public ip's. The servers can only communitcate through the local ip's. Rerouting the public ip to local ip allows flawless communication. The IP's may differ.
# Change dst. ip of packets sent to (public) to (local)
$ sudo iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -d -j DNAT --to-destination
# Change src. ip of packets sent from (local) to (public)
$ sudo iptables -t nat -A INPUT -s -j SNAT --to-source
Install GraphicsMagick to resize the uploaded images with the following command:
$ sudo apt-get install graphicsmagick
Add these lines to ~/.bash_profile with the desired port and url:
export PRERENDER_SERVICE_URL=http://leafii.com:3005/
export PORT=3005
Install the prerender middleware inside the meteor server directory:
$ meteor npm install prerender-node --save
Create a file called settings.json in the meteor server root directory and add the following lines to it:
"PrerenderIO": {
"prerenderServiceUrl": "http://dev.leafii.com:3005/"
Add these lines to server/startup.js to configure the prerender middleware:
const prerenderio = Npm.require('prerender-node');
const settings = Meteor.settings.PrerenderIO;
if (settings && settings.host) {
prerenderio.set('host', settings.host);
prerenderio.set('protocol', 'http');
Get prerender server from github outside the meteor server directory and start the server:
$ git clone https://github.com/prerender/prerender.git
$ cd prerender
$ npm install
$ node server.js
To test the prerender server, open http://leafii.com:3005/https://leafii.com or the url to the prerender server followed by any valid url to be prerendered.
To seed the database with an initial data, run the meteor mongo console and insert the data manually
$ meteor mongo
> db.users.insert(arr) # where arr is the user data
To parse the keywords out of the database, use leafii_crawler
First install nginx from your package manager.
$ sudo apt-get install nginx
Next install the ssh cert. manager, acme.sh:
$ curl https://get.acme.sh | sudo sh
Before the next step, shut down meteor to free port 3000. Then add these to ~/.bash_profile to use acme.sh with the server's public ip:
# in ~/.bash_profile
iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -d your.public.ip.address -j DNAT --to-destination
iptables -t nat -A INPUT -s -j SNAT --to-source your.public.ip.address
When finished setting up SSL, request the certificates for the domain & remember port 3000 needs to be free before:
$ pwd ## /home/ubuntu/.acme.sh
$ sudo ./acme.sh --issue -d leafii.com --standalone --httpport 3000 ## may need option --force
Remember to start the nginx server before:
$ sudo nginx
Next create or select a directory where you want to store the certificates for nginx. Then, set up acme.sh to move and handle the certificates in that directory and reload nginx when needed:
$ acme.sh --installcert -d aa.com --certpath /path/to/cert/dir --keypath /path/to/cert/dir --capath /path/to/cert/dir --fullchainpath /path/to/cert/dir --reloadcmd "sudo nginx -s reload"
An Example:
$ ./acme.sh --installcert -d leafii.com
--certpath /home/ubuntu/.acme.sh/leafii.com/leafii.com.cer
--keypath /home/ubuntu/.acme.sh/leafii.com/leafii.com.cer
--capath /home/ubuntu/.acme.sh/leafii.com/leafii.com.cer
--fullchainpath /home/ubuntu/.acme.sh/leafii.com/leafii.com.cer
--reloadcmd "sudo nginx -s reload"
After this is done, copy the nginx.conf file from this repository to /etc/nginx/ and edit the domains/ports as needed.
We are an open source startup helping the community of website owners connect. Please don't harm us!