This repository is primarily for compiling (and currently, also hosting) Debian packages for gst-plugins-rs plugins. Right now this is geared around the spotify plugin but could be extended to other plugins, either packaged individually or bundled together. At some point, upstream packages will hopefully be provided but this is useful in the meantime.
Find the latest builds at These are triggered manually, as required. We are currently focused on the 0.12 branch which is compatible with GStreamer versions available in Ubuntu LTS, Debian stable, and latest Raspberry Pi OS.
Alternatively, compile your own native library for your host machine, or build your own Debian package with the provided cross-compiling Docker container and supporting files.
The following two methods compile the latest development version of gst-plugins-rs.
On a low-power device (e.g. Raspberry Pi), the compile will be slow and cargo
may require
an additional --jobs 1
argument to prevent memory exhaustion.
Example build instructions for gst-plugins-spotify
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
Install the GStreamer Rust bindings dependencies:
sudo apt install libgstreamer1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev clang gcc pkg-config git gstreamer1.0-tools
Note that other plugins may require additional dependencies.
Download, build and install
from source:git clone --depth 1 cd gst-plugins-rs cargo build --package gst-plugin-spotify --release sudo install -m 644 target/release/ $(pkg-config --variable=pluginsdir gstreamer-1.0)/
Verify the spotify plugin is available:
gst-inspect-1.0 spotify
Supported platforms:
- armhf (compatible with all Raspberry Pi boards)
- arm64
- x86_64
Example for armhf (target: arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf):
git clone --depth 1
cd gst-plugins-rs-build
docker run -v .:/src:z --workdir /src /bin/bash armhf audio/spotify
# or make build-armhf
The resulting Debian package will be in gst-plugins-rs/target/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf/debian/
(and the binary will be at gst-plugins-rs/target/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf/release/