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Some foundation classes such as NcObject, NcString, Logs


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Unlike other modern programming languages, C++ lacks some important infrastructures. Everyone have to invent their own wheel.

Since C++ 11, with shared_ptr, thread, mutex etc, the Standards bring some orders into the chaos. But I don't totally agree with their design.

This project contains the methodology & wheels which I found useful. They may not be the best ideas. But I hope you may find some pieces useful.


C++ did a very bad job with std::string. (If you don't believe me, does anyone remember how to split a std::string into pieces?) Because it's soo bad, almost every library (QT, abseil, OpenCV, MFC, etc) all invented their own ones.

In my opinion, string is so important and should have been hard-coded into the compiler! If so, literal string will be more efficient and there will no incentives for the chaos in almost every libraries.

Sadly, I'd have to invent my own wheel. I want a string class which is both intuitive and efficient. StringSlice is created just for that. It's always on stack and cheap to copy. Most of all, it's intuitive to use. (The name 'slice' is borrowed from Golang's slice concept.)

vector<StringSlice> piece = "hello_world"_s.split("_");
pieces[0]; // "hello"
pieces[1]; // "world"

"hello_world"_s.startsWith("hello"); // true
"hello_world"_s.endsWith("world"); // true
"HELLO"_s.equalsCaseIncensitive("hello"); // true

"hello"_s.slice(1, 3) //  "ell"
"hello"_s.sliceFrom(2) //  "llo"

"internationalization"_s.countSlice("tion") // 2

StringSlice doesn't have operator+ (which is the root of many bad code). I added join and format. They are better and faster.

std::vector<StringSlice> lines({"hello", "world", ""});
"\n"_s.join(lines) // "hello\nworld\n"

StringSlice::format("hello %s", "simba") // "hello world");

Implmentation of StringSlice

Unlike C string, which requires a '\0' ending. Unlike std::string which is mutable and allocated from heap. StringSlice is a simple struct, lives on stack, and immutable. It only contains a start pointer and a length.

So creating a subslice is very cheap(just advance the pointer and reassign the length). Consider the following code, there is not a single malloc()/free() in it.

StringSlice slice = "hello---world"_s;
StringSlice pieces[3];
int num = slice.splitWithLimit("---", pieces, countof(pieces));
ASSERT_EQ(num, 2);
EXPECT_TRUE(pieces[0] == "hello");
EXPECT_TRUE(pieces[1] == "world");

Most of the time, StringSlice manages the memory safely. For example:

auto str1 = "hello world"_s; // use static memory
auto str2 = StringSlice::format("hello %s", "world"); // allocate memory internally

But sometimes, you should be more careful.

// `str1` takes ownership of the memory, and will call `free()` when it's not needed'
char* buffer = json_dumps(jsonNode);
auto str1 = StrinSlice::makeByTakingCString(buffer);

char buffer[MAX_PATH];
getcwd(buffer, MAX_PATH);
// Careful: str2 will be invalid when `buffer` goes out of scope
auto str2 = StringSlice::makeEphemeral(buffer);
// `StringSlice::make()` will make a copy of the memory. It's safer, albeit slower.
auto str3 = StringSlice::make(buffer);


NcString is on heap. It's derived from NcObject. For most cases, please use StringSlice instead of NcString. Use NcString only when you need an NcObject derived object. For example, when you want to put it into NcArray<> or NcHashmap<>.

auto str1 = "hello---world"_str;
auto str2 = NcString::allocWithCString("hello---world");

// splitting a string will only create StringSlices. So it's very fast.
auto slices = str->split("---");
EXPECT_EQ(str->retainCount(), 3); // because each slice holds a reference to the string

// can conver to StringSlice

The functions in NcString is the same as in StringSlice, such as join', format, startsWith, endsWith, split, etc.

Smart Pointer

std::shared_ptr gives a acceptable direction in automating memory management. I too think they should go directly in to the compiler, like what ObjectC++ did.

Once again, disappointed, I created sp and wp. They are also compatible with std::shared_ptr and std::weak_ptr.

// get() and use_count() works the same as std::shared_ptr
sp<NcData> data = NcData::allocWithContentsOfFile("hello_world.txt");
EXPECT_EQ(data->length(), 11);   // overload operator '->'
EXPECT_EQ(data.use_count(), 1);

// create sp
sp<NcString> str = NcString::allocWithCString("hello");

NcString* raw = str.get();         // strong -> raw
sp<NcString> s2 = retainToSp(raw); // raw -> strong

wp<NcString> w(str);           // strong -> weak
sp<NcString> s = w.lock();     // weak -> strong
if (s != nullptr)

There are some differences with std::shared_ptr:

  1. There is a base class NcObject. sp<> only works on it. While std::shared_ptr<> can work on any class.

    NcObject contains some common used methods. Such as toString(), isKindOf() and equals(). They can be used to make fancy things like:

    // ""_str is short for NcString::allocWithCString(const char* str);
    auto arr = NcArray::allocWithObjects("hello"_str, "world"_str, NULL);
    // any object can be coverted to string
    auto str = NcString::format("array %@ with length %d", arr, arr->length());
    EXPECT_EQ(str, "array [\"hello\", \"world\"] with length 2");
    // deep & generic comparison
    auto array1 = NcArray::allocWithObjects(obj1, obj2, NULL);
    auto array2 = NcArray::alloc();
    array1->equals(array2); // should be true
    // type identification
    sp<NcObject> box = MyBox::alloc();
  2. There is a operator[] in sp. It makes indexing into array easier

    auto arr = NcArray::allocWithObject(obj1, obj2, NULL);
  3. It supports manual reference counting through retain() and release(). though their uses should be restricted (like when working with 3rd-party C API).

    auto userData = UserData::alloc();
    // retain() manually increase RC
    SomeOldSdk_setDeleteCallback([](void* userdata) {
        UserData* data = (UserData*)userdata;
        release(data); // release() manually decrease RC
  4. The memory layout is more efficient for some objects.

    Consider the following code:

    auto str1 = std::make_shared<std::string>("hello");

    There are three memory blocks (all on heap) for str1:

    • the control block used by shared_ptr
    • the string object
    • the contained string "hello"

    std::make_shared<> smartly combine the first two blocks in one malloc(). But the contained string requires a second malloc().

    With NcString, all 3 blocks are created in one malloc(). Please see the implementation for how it works.

    auto str2 = NcString::allocWithCString("hello");

    The same optimization is used for NcData.


In some functions, stack is enough for most cases. But occasionally, larger memory is required.

For example, in NcLog_write(), `char message[2048]' is very, very likely to be enough, but we can't count on it. StackOrHeapAllocator is invented exactly for situations like that.

TEST(Stdlib, stackOrHeapAllocator) {
   u8* stack = (u8*)alloca(1024);
   StackOrHeapAllocator allocator(stack, 1024);
   EXPECT_EQ(allocator.allocArray<u8>(512) - stack, 0);
   EXPECT_EQ(allocator.allocArray<u8>(512) - stack, 512);
   EXPECT_GT(allocator.allocArray<u8>(1) - stack, 4096); // stack used up, so it's on heap

   // no leak

All allocated memory will be freed when allocator goes out of scope.


It simulate Win32 API SetEvent(). With C++11's condition_variable it's much easier. I learned it from

ManualResetEvent e;

std::thread t([&] {

// must wait until reset
TimeTick start = TimeTick::now();
TimeTick duration = TimeTick::now() - start;
EXPECT_GE(, 100);


// not reset(). So wait on it will not block
start = TimeTick::now();
duration = TimeTick::now() - start;

// reset() again. Wait will block
start = TimeTick::now();
duration = TimeTick::now() - start;
EXPECT_GE(, 10);

Many more good stuffs

  • Log System
  • NcCache

Visual Studio Visualizer

nc-runtime.natvis is used to improve the debugging experience in Visual Studio.

Visualizer are included for NcArray, sp, NcString, StringSlice etc

Design Notes

To be honest, I fall behind in terms of modern C++. Because I held a biased and negative attitude towards it and didn't spend much time to learn it. And in the New Years Days of 2021, I decide to rediscover modern C++. And see how things can be different if I use C++ 14.

The internal of shared_ptr

Before discussing the pros-and-cons of both implementations, I dive into the internal of std::shared_ptr

At first, I think std::shared_ptr will have to make one additional malloc() for the control block. Until I read from

We mentioned above that the control block could either contain a pointer to the managed object or the object itself. The control block is dynamically allocated. Constructing the managed object in-place within the control block can avoid the two separate memory allocations for the object and the control block, resulting in an uncomplicated control block and better performance. The std::make_shared is a preferred way to construct a shared_ptr because it builds the managed object within the control block.

Later, I also learned there is std::enabled_shared_from_this. It can put the control block into the base object.

Try to use shared_ptr

So I think std::shared_ptr might be good enough for my need. And write something out of it:

class NcObject : public std::enable_shared_from_this<NcObject> {

class Time : public NcObject {
  // I like allocWith() over constructors. Because it allows overloading
  static shared_ptr<Time> allocWithSeconds(int sec) { return std::make_shared<Time>(sec * 1000); }
  static shared_ptr<Time> allocWithMilliseconds(int ms) { return std::make_shared<Time>(ms); }

  // Problem: Constructors must be public. Because std::make_shared needs it.
  Time(int ms) : m_milliseconds(ms) {};

  sp<Time> self() {
     return static_pointer_case<Time>(shared_from_this());

  int m_milliseconds;

TEST(NcObject, basic) {
  auto t = Time::allocWithSeconds(10);

  // cast to base
  shared_ptr<NcObject> base = t;
  EXPECT_EQ(t.use_count(), 2);

  // cast to derived
  auto t2 = std::static_pointer_cast<Time>(base);
  EXPECT_EQ(t.use_count(), 3);
  EXPECT_TRUE(t.get() == t2.get()); // underlying the same object

  auto t3 = t->self();
  EXPECT_EQ(t.use_count(), 4);

Time::self() makes an important point to implement something like auto pieces = "hello-world"_str->split("-"). Each piece contains a strong reference to the original string.

Things I like & dislike about std::shared_ptr<>


  1. Strong/weak. It makes delegate design pattern more robust.
  2. combine control block with the controlled object.


  1. Constructors must be public. Some user may call delete or create the object on stack.

  2. Convert from raw pointer back to shared_ptr is inconvenient.

  3. Must call .get() to get raw pointer. (I changed my mind, I become neural on that.)

  4. There are too many usage variants

    void f(widget* );
    void f(widget& );
    void f(shared_ptr<widget> );
    void f(const shared_ptr<widget>& );

    Sutter’s Mill and acel has some insights on that

Makes all memory in one piece with sp

With self-implemented control-block in NcObject. I can do some deep optimization, like appending the text directly after the NcString object. Thus creating the string with a single allocation. See allocWithCString::allocWithCString()

auto keyword

The auto keyword makes writing code a breeze. Especially so for rarely used types or templated types.

auto iter = str->iter(); // iter is of type StringCharacterIterator.
auto pieces = str->split(); // pieces is of type std::vector<StringSlice>

But at the cost of making it harder to read or navigate:

  1. With VS2019, you have to hover the cursor on top of the variable to see its type.

    NOTE: Android Studio and CLion inserts gray text to mark the type behind the variable name, which is very nice.

    auto slices : vector<StringSlice> = "hello---world"_s.split("---");
  2. You can't easily ctrl+click to jump to type definition.

  3. It creates room for mistakes when using basic types.

    auto a = 3.0;
    // b is double, because a is accidentally created as double.
    // But I might think b is an integer.
    auto b = a + 3;

But overall, I think it's worthwhile to use auto. Especially for complex types. But for basic types, I prefer to make the type explicit.

Log System

There are often too many aims for a log system:

  1. filter with level
  2. filter with tags
  3. generated message should contains file, line number, functions name
  4. support writing to debugger/console/file/remote server
  5. support packaging if file is too large

I think the last two requirements are too task-dependent. (For example, if you are writing server programs, you may want to collect logs with Kubernetes and then send to Elasticsearch) So I shall write a log system which only support the first 3 requirements. By default, the log messages will be written to Visual Studio Debugger(Windows) and console(Windows & Linux). But the default behavior can be overridden with NcLog_setCallback().

Implement operator [] for sp<NcArray>

sp<NcArray> should work just like ordinary array:

auto v = NcArray<NcString>::alloc();
auto& s = v[0]; // use []

To support than:

  1. In order to detect element type, a NcObject::ArrayElement and NcArray::ArrayElement are added.

    NcObject::ArrayElement is unnecessary. There might be a better solution?

    class NcObject {
       using ArrayElement = NcObject;
    template <typename T>
    class NcArray : public NcObject {
       using ArrayElement = T;
  2. Implement operator [] in sp

    template <typename T>
    class sp {
      * For accessing array element(If it's an array)
      sp<T::ArrayElement>& operator[](int index) {
        return m_ptr->objectAtIndex(index]);

Closure(Lambda Functions)

NcArray::findWithCondition() uses lambda expression. See

auto v = NcArray<NcString>::allocWithObjects("hello"_str, "world"_str, NULL);

auto obj = v->findWithCondition([](NcString* v) {
   return v->startsWith("w"_s);

The capture syntax is more convenient than the old userData:

typedef bool(*ArrayFinder)(T* obj, void* userData);
sp<T> findWithCondition(Array finder, void* userData);


Some foundation classes such as NcObject, NcString, Logs







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