I want to concentrate on the problem of sentence encoding - extracting a real-valued vector to represent the meaning of a sentence. To get understand words meaning I will learn Textual Entailments (TE). In Natural Language Processing (NLP) TE is a directional relation between text fragments. The relation holds whenever the truth of one text fragment follows from another text. It has become feasible to train deep learning (DL) based inference models. Carefully designing sequential inference models based on chain LSTMs can show good performance (Chen, Zhu and Ling, 2017). TE is a generalization of many tasks in NLP. If you have a system that is good at recognizing TE, it should be easier to build good systems for Information Retrieval (IR), Question Answering (QA) (Tang, Santos and Xiang, 2016), Paraphrase Recognition (PR), Information Extraction (IE) and summarization. Typically entailment is used as part of a large system.
Search engines, chat bots and assistants such as Alexa or Google Home have been using Natural Language Processing (NLP) to better understand the meaning of words and context of the situation to make the intelligent answer to the people. Researchers have been used different techniques to make the computer understand people. Starting with the simple bag of words, tf-idf models and applying manually labeled frames. But all those algorithms don’t provide sufficient results.
A characteristic of natural language is that there are many different ways to state what you want to say. Several meanings can be contained in a single text and that the same meaning can be expressed by different text.
Given two text fragments, one named text (t) and the other named hypothesis (h), respectively. The task consists in recognizing whether the hypothesis can be inferred from the text. TE has a three-class balanced classification problem over sentence pairs: entailment, neutral and contradiction.
Example: Text: Your gift is appreciated by each and every student who will benefit from your generosity. Hypothesis: Hundreds of students will benefit from your generosity. Label: neutral
I will use the Multi-Genre NLI Interface (MultiNLI) [https://www.nyu.edu/projects/bowman/multinli/] corpus to create the model. MultiNLP is a crowd-sourced collection of 433k sentences pairs annotated with textual entailment information. The corpus contains from genres of spoken and written text.
Datasets contain:
- Entailment: 130899
- Neutrals: 130900
- Contradiction: 130903
I will build the bilateral multi-perspective matching (BiMPM) model [Wang, Hamza and Florian, 2017]. The model will matches sentence and hypothesis in two directions. From the sentence follow the hypothesis and from the hypothesis follow the sentence. In each direction, the model matches the two sentences from multiple perspectives. The model contains the following five layers.
Word representation layer – construct the d-dimensional vector from the word embedding GloVe[Pennington et al., 2014] vector for each individual word.
Context representation layer – incorporate contextual information into the representation of each time step.
Matching layer – compare each contextual embedding of one sentence against all contextual embeddings of the other sentence.
Aggregation layer – aggregate two sequences of matching vectors into a fix-length matching vector.
Prediction layer – evaluate the probability distribution Pr(y|P,Q), Pr(y|P,Q), Pr(y|P,Q).
A study found humans to be in agreement on the dataset 95.25% of the time [Bos and Markert, January 2005]. I will use the RepEval 2017 Shared task [https://repeval2017.github.io/shared/]. They trained three models and evaluate them. I would like to get at least 68% accuracy in my tests.
Model Matched Test Acc. Mismatched Test Acc. Most Frequent Class 36.5 35.6 CBOW 66.2 64.6 BiLSTM 67.5 67.1
I will measure the performance of the application on matched and mismatched dataset that is provided by RepEval 2017 Shared task. The evaluation metrics accuracy, loss, precision, recall, and f-score will be used.
Keras and Tensorflow will be used to train and test the model. The code will be developed in IPython notebook.
The data will be downloaded from https://www.nyu.edu/projects/bowman/multinli/ . Data analyses and preparation will be done with Pandas framework. I will take sentence1, sentence2, and gold_label from each example to train model. The word embedding in the word representation layer will be initialized with 300-dimensional reference GloVe vectors. Data will be partitioned into a 90% for train and 10% for validation. The performance test will be done on two data sets: mismatched and matched.
- Python 2.7
- Pandas
- Nympy
- Tensorflow
- Keras
- IPython notebook