Wikidata client library for Ruby.
It provide an easy way to search for wikidata and wikipedia pages and read their contents.
In bundler: gem 'wikidata-client', '~> 0.0.10', require: 'wikidata'
Otherwise: gem install wikidata-client
Only one thing is configurable for now, the HTTP client and its options, via faraday:
Wikidata.configure do |config|
config.options = {
request: {
timeout: 10,
open_timeout: 2
config.adapter = :excon
> search = 'Homer Simpson'
=> <Wikidata::SearchResponse results: [
<Wikidata::Item id: Q7810, title: "Homer Simpson">,
<Wikidata::Item id: Q3577370, title: "Homer Simpson, This Is Your Wife">,
<Wikidata::Item id: Q2082128, title: "Homer Simpson in: "Kidney Trouble">,
<Wikidata::Item id: Q2715733, title: "Politically Inept, with Homer Simpson">,
<Wikidata::Item id: Q1626047, title: "The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson">,
<Wikidata::Item id: Q5966549, title: "Q5966549">,
<Wikidata::Item id: Q15162647, title: "Being Homer Simpson">,
<Wikidata::Item id: Q17653635, title: "'Homer Simpson' contributes to U.S. presidential candidate Buddy Roemer">,
<Wikidata::Item id: Q17713638, title: "Q17713638">,
<Wikidata::Item id: Q2751406, title: "Q2751406">
> search.empty?
=> false
> search.results.first.labels['en'].value
=> "Homer Simpson"
> search.total_hits
=> 119
> search.next_page_offset
=> 10
> homer = Wikidata::Item.find_by_title 'Homer Simpson' # Same as homer = Wikidata::Item.find 'Q7810'
=> <Wikidata::Item id: Q7810, title: "Homer Simpson">
> homer.children
=> [<Wikidata::Item id: Q5480, title: "Bart Simpson">, <Wikidata::Item id: Q5846, title: "Lisa Simpson">, <Wikidata::Item id: Q7834, title: "Maggie Simpson">]
=> #<DateTime: 1956-06-18T00:00:00+00:00 ((2435643j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
If you want several pages at the same time, just give an array to find
or find_by_title
> Wikidata::Item.find_by_title ['Sid Vicious', 'John Lydon']
=> <Wikidata::Response results: [
<Wikidata::Item id: Q47878, title: "Sid Vicious">,
<Wikidata::Item id: Q106662, title: "John Lydon">
> Wikidata::Item.find ['Q47878', 'Q106662']
=> <Wikidata::Response results: [
<Wikidata::Item id: Q47878, title: "Sid Vicious">,
<Wikidata::Item id: Q106662, title: "John Lydon">
To access an item property, use the Wikidata property code and one of these methods:
: to get all propertiesproperty
: to get the first property
> homer = Wikidata::Item.find_by_title 'Homer Simpson'
=> <Wikidata::Item id: Q7810, title: "Homer Simpson">
=> [
<Wikidata::Item id: Q5480, title: "Bart Simpson">,
<Wikidata::Item id: Q5846, title: "Lisa Simpson">,
<Wikidata::Item id: Q7834, title: "Maggie Simpson">
=> <Wikidata::Item id: Q842104, title: "Grampa Simpson">
Alternatively, you can map wikidata property codes to method names, see to get the list of mapped properties.
If you define the mapping under the resources
section, accessor will be on the
first property only. If under the collections
sections, all properties will be
> homer = Wikidata::Item.find_by_title 'Homer Simpson'
=> <Wikidata::Item id: Q7810, title: "Homer Simpson">
> homer.children
=> [
<Wikidata::Item id: Q5480, title: "Bart Simpson">,
<Wikidata::Item id: Q5846, title: "Lisa Simpson">,
<Wikidata::Item id: Q7834, title: "Maggie Simpson">
> homer.father
=> <Wikidata::Item id: Q842104, title: "Grampa Simpson">
Feel free to add yours in a topic branch and seed me a pull request.
Finally of you want to get only ids of properties to avoid making several
unecessary requests, you can use these methods: property_id
and property_ids
> homer = Wikidata::Item.find_by_title 'Homer Simpson'
=> <Wikidata::Item id: Q7810, title: "Homer Simpson">
> homer.property_ids('P40')
=> ["Q5480", "Q5846", "Q7834"]
> homer.property_id('P22')
=> "Q842104"
- Fork the project.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
- Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself in another branch so I can ignore when I pull)
- Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
MIT. See LICENSE for further details.