firebase deploy --only hosting
Bot support the same set of tags as Telegram API (source:
<b>bold</b>, <strong>bold</strong>
<i>italic</i>, <em>italic</em>
<u>underline</u>, <ins>underline</ins>
<s>strikethrough</s>, <strike>strikethrough</strike>, <del>strikethrough</del>
<span class="tg-spoiler">spoiler</span>, <tg-spoiler>spoiler</tg-spoiler>
<b>bold <i>italic bold <s>italic bold strikethrough <span class="tg-spoiler">italic bold strikethrough spoiler</span></s> <u>underline italic bold</u></i> bold</b>
<a href="">inline URL</a>
<code>inline fixed-width code</code>
<pre>pre-formatted fixed-width code block</pre>
<pre><code class="language-python">pre-formatted fixed-width code block written in the Python programming language</code></pre>
flowchart TB
A((Start)) --> B{External knowledge required <br>(ChatGPT)?}
B -- Yes --> C[Request data perplexity]
C --> D[Reply to customer <br>including perplexity response (ChatGPT)]
B -- No --> D