This project was created on 22nd April 2016 for Fishackathon 2016.
Project integrates the following APIs/Frameworks:
- Google Maps API: In order to conduct geospatial analytics and heatmaps on the number of Asian Carps in water bodies
- IBM Alchemy API: For retrieving news about Harmful Algal Bloom
- Twitter Bootstrap: For awesome looking frontend
- Gentelella theme:
- Flot.js: For beautiful charts to aid in analytics on Asian Carp breeding.
The purpose of uploading this project is for archiving purposes. If you do wish to use this project for any purposes, do drop me a message to let me know i've helped someone. ;)
Fishackathon2016_Geospatial is licensed under the MIT License (MIT). Which means that you can use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software. But you always need to state that kongyujian is the original author of this software, and give credits to the abovementioned authors.