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MIM v-2024

Developed by Kosei Ohara

MIM v-2024 is a modernized version of MIM. This program is based on MIM v0.35



      File name of the u (zonal wind [$\mathrm{m\:s^{-1}}$]), v (meridional wind [$\mathrm{m\:s^{-1}}$]), and t (temperature [$\mathrm{K}$]) on the pressure surfaces. Their order must be u → v → t.
      File name of the zonal wind [$\mathrm{m\:s^{-1}}$] on the pressure surfaces. This file is needed if INPUT_UVT_FILENAME is not specified. If the data is from JRA3-3Q, anl_p125_ugrd.
      File name of the meridional wind [$\mathrm{m\:s^{-1}}$] on the pressure surfaces. This file is needed if INPUT_UVT_FILENAME is not specified. If the data is from JRA3-3Q, anl_p125_vgrd.
      File name of the temperature [$\mathrm{K}$] on the pressure surfaces. This file is needed if INPUT_UVT_FILENAME is not specified. If the data is from JRA3-3Q, anl_p125_tmp.
      File name of the surface pressure [$\mathrm{Pa}$] / [$\mathrm{hPa}$]. If the data is from JRA3-3Q, anl_surf125-PRES.
      File name of the mean sea level pressure [$\mathrm{Pa}$] / [$\mathrm{hPa}$]. This file is needed if INPUT_PS_FILENAME is not specified. If the data is from JRA3-3Q, anl_surf125-PRMSL.
      File name of the surface temperature [$\mathrm{K}$]. This file is needed if INPUT_PS_FILENAME is not specified. If the data is from JRA3-3Q, anl_surf125-TMP.
      File name of the height [$\mathrm{m}$] or geopotential height [$\mathrm{m^2\:s^{-2}}$] on the pressure surfaces. If the data is from JRA3-3Q, anl_p125_hgt.
      File name of the vertical velocity [$\mathrm{Pa \: s^{-1}}$]. If not specified, omega will be estimated from the continuity equation. If the data is from JRA3-3Q, anl_p125_vvel.
      File name of the topography [$\mathrm{m}$] / [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-1}}$]. If the data is from JRA3-3Q, LL125_surf.
      File name of the total diabatic heating [$\mathrm{K \: s^{-1}}$] / [$\mathrm{K \: day^{-1}}$]. If not specified, total diabatic heating is defied by the sum of diabatic heating by the short wave, long wave, large scale condensation, convective heating, and vertical diffusion. If one of them is not specified too, the diabatic heating will be estimated from the time derivative of the potential temperature.
      File name of the diabatic heating by the short wave radiation [$\mathrm{K \: s^{-1}}$] / [$\mathrm{K \: day^{-1}}$]. If not specified, outputs related to the short wave radiation will be zero. If the data is from JRA3-3Q, fcst_phyp125_ttswr.
      File name of the diabatic heating by the long wave radiation [$\mathrm{K \: s^{-1}}$] / [$\mathrm{K \: day^{-1}}$]. If not specified, outputs related to the long wave radiation will be zero. If the data is from JRA3-3Q, fcst_phyp125_ttlwr.
      File name of the diabatic heating by the large scale condensation [$\mathrm{K \: s^{-1}}$] / [$\mathrm{K \: day^{-1}}$]. If not specified, outputs related to the large scale condensation will be zero. If the data is from JRA3-3Q, fcst_phyp125_lrghr.
      File name of the diabatic heating by the convective heating [$\mathrm{K \: s^{-1}}$] / [$\mathrm{K \: day^{-1}}$]. If not specified, outputs related to the convective heating will be zero. If the data is from JRA3-3Q, fcst_phyp125_cnvhr.
      File name of the diabatic heating by the vertical diffusion [$\mathrm{K \: s^{-1}}$] / [$\mathrm{K \: day^{-1}}$]. If not specified, outputs related to the vertical diffusion will be zero. If the data is from JRA3-3Q, fcst_phyp125_vdfhr.

      Optional (default : "m")
      Unit of the data specified in INPUT_Z_FILENAME. "m" if the data unit is [$\mathrm{m}$] and "m^2/s^2" if [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-2}}$]
      Optional (default : "hPa")
      Unit of the data specified in INPUT_PS_FILENAME. "hPa" or "Pa".
      Optional (default : "hPa")
      Unit of the data specified in INPUT_MSL_FILENAME. "hPa" or "Pa".
      Optional (default : "m")
      Unit of the data specified in INPUT_TOPO_FILENAME. "m" if the data unit is [$\mathrm{m}$] and "m^2/s^2" if [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-2}}$].
      Optional (defalt : "K/s")
      Unit of the data specified in INPUT_Q_FILENAME and the other datasets related to the diabatic heating. "K/s" if the data unit is [$\mathrm{K \: s^{-1}}$] and "K/day" if [$\mathrm{K \: day^{-1}}$].
    The value for the undefined grids. The default value is 9.999E+20. If INPUT_UNDEF_DEFAULT is specified by another value, the undefined values in all files will be overwritten. However, if an undefined value has been individually specified for a particular dataset with a value other than 9.999E+20, that dataset will retain its unique undefined value.

    The endian for the input files. "native", "little_endian", and "big_endian" are valid. if "native", the endian is determined by the compiler option or the environment. If the endian for each file is not specified individually, it follows INPUT_ENDIAN_DEFAULT.


      Number of grids in x (longitudinal) direction.

      "lat_degree", "lat_radian", and "linear" are valid. If specified by "lat_degree", the latitude of each grid is determined by INPUT_YDEF_LEVEL and its unit is [degree]. If "lat_radian", same as "lat_degree", but its unit is [radian]. If "linear", the latitude is determined by INPUT_YDEF_NORTH, INPUT_YDEF_SOUTH, and INPUT_YDEF_NUM linearly.
      Number of grids in y (latitudinal) direction.
      Latitudes of the grids. Both north → south and south → north orders are valid. Latitudes are determined only if INPUT_YDEF_TYPE is "lat_degree" or "lat_radian".
      The latitude of the southern edge [degree]. This value is needed only if INPUT_YDEF_TYPE="linear".
      The latitude of the northern edge [degree]. This value is needed only if INPUT_YDEF_TYPE="linear".
      Optional (default : .False.)
      .True. and .False. are valid. If the input files are north → south (yrev), specify .True. If south → north, specify .False.
      Optional (default : .False.)
      Same as INPUT_YDF_YREV_DEFAULT, but this option is for the topography file.

      Number of levels.
      Pressure of each surface [hPa]. Both upper → lower and lower → upper are valid.
      Optional (default : .False.)
      .True. and .False. are valid. If the input files are upper → lower (zrev), specify .True. If lower → upper, specify .False.

      "tstep", "monthly", and "annual" are valid. If specified by "tstep", number of time steps is defined by INPUT_TDEF_TSTEP. If "monthly", number of time steps is defined by INPUT_TDEF_YEAR, INPUT_TDEF_MONTH, INPUT_TDEF_365DAY, and INPUT_TDEF_DAYNUM. "monthly" options is used to compute only for one month. If "annual", number of time steps is defined by INPUT_TDEF_YEAR, INPUT_TDEF_365DAY, and INPUT_TDEF_DAYNUM. "annual" options is used to compute only for one year.
      Date and time of the initial time step. This parameter will be used to generate GrADS Control files. The format have to be hhZddmmyyyy, such as "00Z01JAN2000". No validations will be executed for this parameter.
      Number of time steps in each day.
      Total number of time steps for the period of data analysis. Valid if INPUT_TDEF_TYPE="tstep".
      The year of the input data. Valid if INPUT_TDEF_TYPE is "monthly" or "annual".
      The month of the input data. Valid if INPUT_TDEF_TYPE="monthly".
      0 if leap year is assumed, 1 if not assumed.
  • WAVE

      Maxumum wavenumber for the spectral expansion of the form drag. Valid if OUTPUT_WAVE_FILENAME is specified.

      File name of the output zonal file. If specified, latitude-height crosssection zonal mean field will be output.
      File name of the output vint file. If specified, vertically integrated parameters will be output.
      File name of the output gmean file. If specified, global mean parameters will be output.
      File name of the output wave file. If specified, the Form-Drag expanded in wavenumber will be output.
      File name of the output error file. Error of parameters will be output.
      File name of the output warning file. Various warning will be output.
      Endian of output files. "LITTLE_ENDIAN" or "BIG_ENDIAN". "LITTLE_ENDIAN" is the default.

      Same as INPUT_ZDEF_NUM, but for the output. This value does not necessarily have to be equal to INPUT_ZDEF_NUM, however, specifying by the same value is strongly recommended to avoid crucial errors.
      Same as INPUT_ZDEF_LEVEL, but for the output. This levels does not necessarily have to be equal to INPUT_ZDEF_LEVEL, however, specifying by the same value is strongly recommended to avoid crucial errors.

Other Settings

Most settings should be applied in the namelists. To optimize your requirement, edit the source codes.

  • Numerical Precision
    To change the numerical precision, edit src/params.f90. kp is the kind parameter for real variables: kp=4 for single precison, kp=8 for double precision, and kp=16 for quadruple precision. Similarly, ckp is the kind parameter for complex variables. rkp and wkp are kind parameters for input parameters and output parameters, respectively. For example, to read 8 byte real data and compute in double precision, set rkp=8, kp=8, and ckp=8. Execute make re to recomplie all source code.
  • Output Parameters
    In the default source, the program outputs many parameters. To limit the outputs, edit io_main.f90. write_zonal(), write_vint(), write_gmean(), and write_wave() are subroutines for output.

Output Parameters

Depending on the setting in the namelist, the program can generate 4 files. 4 are binary files, and the other is ASCII file. The endian of the binary files depends on your environment.


Latitude-pressure crosssection data. The latitude of each grid is determined by the input files. The levels depends on OUTPUT_ZDEF_LEVEL. The data are yrev. 68 parameters are output.

  • u
    Zonal mean zonal wind [$\mathrm{m \: s^{-1}}$].
  • v
    Zonal mean meridional wind [$\mathrm{m \: s^{-1}}$].
  • pt
    Potential temperature [$\mathrm{K}$].
  • t
    Temperature in the zonal mean state [$\mathrm{K}$].
  • st
    Mass streamfunction [$\mathrm{kg \: s^{-1}}$].
  • w
    Zonal mean vetical wind [$\mathrm{m \: s^{-1}}$]. This parameter is computed from the mass streamfunction.
  • z
    Zonal mean geopotential height [$\mathrm{m}$].
  • epy
    Meridional component of the EP flux [$\mathrm{kg \: s^{-2}}$].
  • depy
    Meridional divergence of the EP flux [$\mathrm{m \: s^{-2}}$].
  • epz_form
    Form Drag (One term of the vertical component of the EP flux) [$\mathrm{kg \: s^{-2}}$].
  • depz_form
    Vertical divergence of the Form Drag [$\mathrm{m \: s^{-2}}$].
  • epz_uv
    uv term of the vertical component of the EP flux [$\mathrm{kg \: s^{-2}}$].
  • depz_uv
    Vertical divergence of epz_uv [$\mathrm{m \: s^{-2}}$].
  • epz_ut
    ut term of the vertical component of the EP flux [$\mathrm{kg \: s^{-2}}$].
  • depz_ut
    Vertical divergence of epz_ut [$\mathrm{m \: s^{-2}}$].
  • epz
    Vertical component of the EP flux (sum of epz_form, epz_uv, and epz_ut).
  • depz
    Vertical divergence of the EP flux.
  • divf
    Divergence of the EP flux.
  • gy
    Meridional component of the G flux [$\mathrm{kg \: s^{-2}}$].
  • dgy
    Meridional divergence of the G flux [$\mathrm{m \: s^{-2}}$].
  • gz
    Vertical component of the G flux [$\mathrm{kg \: s^{-2}}$].
  • dgz
    Vertical divergence of the G flux [$\mathrm{m \: s^{-2}}$].
  • uux
    Zonal mean of the square of the eddy zonal wind [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-2}}$].
  • c_az_kz
    Energy conversion from the zonal available potential energy to the zonal mean kinetic energy [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • c_kz_ae_u
    Energy conversion from the zonal mean kinetic energy to the eddy available potential energy by the zonal wind [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • c_kz_ae_v
    Energy conversion from the zonal mean kinetic energy to the eddy available potential energy by the meridional wind [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • c_kz_ae
    Total energy conversion from the zonal mean kinetic energy to the eddy available potential energy [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • c_ae_ke_u
    Energy conversion from the eddy available potential energy to the eddy kinetic energy by the eddy zonal wind [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • c_ae_ke_v
    Energy conversion from the eddy available potential energy to the eddy kinetic energy by the eddy meridional wind [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • c_ae_ke
    Total energy conversion from the eddy available potential energy to the eddy kinetic energy [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • c_kz_ke_uy
    Energy conversion from the zonal mean kinetic energy to the eddy kinetic energy by the zonal mean zonal wind and the meridional divergence of the EP flux [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • c_kz_ke_uz
    Energy conversion from the zonal mean kinetic energy to the eddy kinetic energy by the zonal mean zonal wind and the depz_uw [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • c_kz_ke_vy
    Energy conversion from the zonal mean kinetic energy to the eddy kinetic energy by the zonal mean meridional wind and the meridional divergence of the G flux [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • c_kz_ke_vz
    Energy conversion from the zonal mean kinetic energy to the eddy kinetic energy by the zonal mean meridional wind and the vertical divergence of the G flux [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • c_kz_ke_tan
    Energy conversion from the zonal mean kinetic energy to the eddy kinetic energy by the zonal mean meridional wind and the square of the eddy zonal wind [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • c_kz_ke
    Total energy conversion from the zonal mean kinetic energy to the eddy kinetic energy [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • c_kz_w
    Energy conversion from the zonal mean kinetic energy to the wave energy (sum of c_kz_ke and c_kz_ae) [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • q
    Zonal mean diabatic heating [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • shortwave
    Zonal mean diabatic heating by the short wave [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • longwave
    Zonal mean diabatic heating by the long wave [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • lhr_large
    Zonal mean diabatic heating by the large scale condensation [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • lhr_conv
    Zonal mean diabatic heating by the convective heating [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • diffusion
    Zonal mean diabatic heating by the vertical diffusion [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qgz
    Generation rate to the zonal mean state [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qgz_shortwave
    Generation rate to the zonal mean state by the short wave radiation [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qgz_longwave
    Generation rate to the zonal mean state by the long wave radiation [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qgz_lhr_large
    Generation rate to the zonal mean state by the large scale condensation [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qgz_lhr_conv
    Generation rate to the zonal mean state by the convective heating [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qgz_diffusion
    Generation rate to the zonal mean state by the vertical diffusion [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qe
    Eddy generation rate [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qe_shortwave
    Eddy generation rate by the short wave radiation [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qe_longwave
    Eddy generation rate by the long wave radiation [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qe_lhr_large
    Eddy generation rate by the large scale condensation [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qe_lhr_conv
    Eddy generation rate by the convective heating [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qe_diffusion
    Eddy generation rate by the vertical diffusion [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • kz
    Zonal mean kinetic energy [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-2}}$].
  • ke
    Eddy kinetic energy [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-2}}$].
  • pz
    Zonal potential energy (NOT the available potential energy) [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-2}}$].
  • ae
    Eddy available potential energy [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-2}}$].
  • dkzdt_vkz
    Advection of the zonal mean kinetic energy by the meridional wind [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • dkzdt_wkz
    Advection of the zonal mean kinetic energy by the vertical wind [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • dkedt_uy
    Divergence of the wave energy flux d(u Fy)/dy [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • dkedt_vy
    Divergence of the wave energy flux d(v Gy)/dy [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • dkedt_uz
    Divergence of the wave energy flux d(u Fz_uw)/dz [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • dkedt_vz
    Divergence of the wave energy flux d(v Gz)/dz [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • dkedt_vke
    Advection of the eddy kinetic energy by the meridional wind [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • dkedt_wke
    Advection of the eddy kinetic energy by the vertical wind [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].


Virticaly integrated data (NOT the vertical mean). The latitude of each grid is determined by the input files. Grids under the ground are not used. The data are yrev. 50 parameters are output.

  • kz
    Zonal mean kinetic energy [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-2}}$].
  • ke
    Eddy kinetic energy [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-2}}$].
  • az
    Zonal available potential energy [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-2}}$].
  • ae
    Eddy available potential energy [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-2}}$].
  • c_az_kz
    Energy conversion from the zonal available potential energy to the zonal mean kinetic energy [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • c_kz_ae_u
    Energy conversion from the zonal mean kinetic energy to the eddy available potential energy by the zonal wind [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • c_kz_ae_v
    Energy conversion from the zonal mean kinetic energy to the eddy available potential energy by the meridional wind [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • c_kz_ae
    Total energy conversion from the zonal mean kinetic energy to the eddy available potential energy [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • c_ae_ke_u
    Energy conversion from the eddy available potential energy to the eddy kinetic energy by the eddy zonal wind [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • c_ae_ke_v
    Energy conversion from the eddy available potential energy to the eddy kinetic energy by the eddy meridional wind [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • c_ae_ke
    Total energy conversion from the eddy available potential energy to the eddy kinetic energy [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • c_kz_ke_uy
    Energy conversion from the zonal mean kinetic energy to the eddy kinetic energy by the zonal mean zonal wind and the meridional divergence of the EP flux [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • c_kz_ke_uz
    Energy conversion from the zonal mean kinetic energy to the eddy kinetic energy by the zonal mean zonal wind and the depz_uw [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • c_kz_ke_vy
    Energy conversion from the zonal mean kinetic energy to the eddy kinetic energy by the zonal mean meridional wind and the meridional divergence of the G flux [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • c_kz_ke_vz
    Energy conversion from the zonal mean kinetic energy to the eddy kinetic energy by the zonal mean meridional wind and the vertical divergence of the G flux [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • c_kz_ke_tan
    Energy conversion from the zonal mean kinetic energy to the eddy kinetic energy by the zonal mean meridional wind and the square of the eddy zonal wind [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • c_kz_ke
    Total energy conversion from the zonal mean kinetic energy to the eddy kinetic energy [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • c_kz_w
    Energy conversion from the zonal mean kinetic energy to the wave energy (sum of c_kz_ke and c_kz_ae) [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • q
    Zonal mean diabatic heating [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • shortwave
    Zonal mean diabatic heating by the short wave [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • longwave
    Zonal mean diabatic heating by the long wave [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • lhr_large
    Zonal mean diabatic heating by the large scale condensation [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • lhr_conv
    Zonal mean diabatic heating by the convective heating [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • diffusion
    Zonal mean diabatic heating by the vertical diffusion [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qgz
    Generation rate to the zonal mean state [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qgz_shortwave
    Generation rate to the zonal mean state by the short wave radiation [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qgz_longwave
    Generation rate to the zonal mean state by the long wave radiation [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qgz_lhr_large
    Generation rate to the zonal mean state by the large scale condensation [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qgz_lhr_conv
    Generation rate to the zonal mean state by the convective heating [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qgz_diffusion
    Generation rate to the zonal mean state by the vertical diffusion [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qe
    Eddy generation rate [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qe_shortwave
    Eddy generation rate by the short wave radiation [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qe_longwave
    Eddy generation rate by the long wave radiation [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qe_lhr_large
    Eddy generation rate by the large scale condensation [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qe_lhr_conv
    Eddy generation rate by the convective heating [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qe_diffusion
    Eddy generation rate by the vertical diffusion [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qz
    Zonal generation rate [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qz_shortwave
    Zonal generation rate by the short wave radiation [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qz_longwave
    Zonal generation rate by the long wave radiation [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qz_lhr_large
    Zonal generation rate by the large scale condensation [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qz_lhr_conv
    Zonal generation rate by the convective heating [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qz_diffusion
    Zonal generation rate by the vertical diffusion [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • dkzdt_vkz
    Advection of the zonal mean kinetic energy by the meridional wind [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • dkzdt_wkz
    Advection of the zonal mean kinetic energy by the vertical wind [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • dkedt_uy
    Divergence of the wave energy flux d(u Fy)/dy [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • dkedt_vy
    Divergence of the wave energy flux d(v Gy)/dy [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • dkedt_uz
    Divergence of the wave energy flux d(u Fz_uw)/dz [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • dkedt_vz
    Divergence of the wave energy flux d(v Gz)/dz [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • dkedt_vke
    Advection of the eddy kinetic energy by the meridional wind [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • dkedt_wke
    Advection of the eddy kinetic energy by the vertical wind [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].


  • az
    Zonal available potential energy [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-2}}$].
  • qz
    Zonal generation rate [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qz_shortwave
    Zonal generation rate by the short wave radiation [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qz_longwave
    Zonal generation rate by the long wave radiation [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qz_lhr_large
    Zonal generation rate by the large scale condensation [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qz_lhr_conv
    Zonal generation rate by the convective heating [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].
  • qz_diffusion
    Zonal generation rate by the vertical diffusion [$\mathrm{m^2 \: s^{-3}}$].


MIM v-2024






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