Castor is a Gameboy interpreter written using C# and Monogame. The primary purpose of this project is to learn about emulator systems and low-level operations.
- 01 - special
- 02 - interrupts
- 03 - op sp,hl
- 04 - op r,imm
- 05 - op rp
- 06 - ld r,r
- 07 - jr,jp,call,ret,rst
- 08 - misc instrs
- 09 - op r,r
- 10 - bit ops
- 11 - op a,(hl)
Blargg's mem_timing-2
Blargg's oam_bug
Blargg's halt_bug
- The Ultimate Game Boy Talk - A talk attempting to communicate "everything about the Game Boy".
- Gameboy Development Wiki - A wiki containing technical documents, emulators, debuggers, and other tools that have to do with gameboy development.
- Instruction Manual - An online instruction manual on how each instruction should be implemented.
- GBZ80 Decoding Manual - A manual on how to algorithmically decode gameboy instructions as opposed to writing one huge switch-case statement for over 500 instructions.
- Emulation accuracy - Documentation talking about questions about certain ambiguities of the gameboy.
- simias/gb-rs - A reference point for my emulator, it is a Game Boy emulator written in Rust.