This code draws a squiggly line based on the high contrast black and white photo. Some examples of the images (for a live version go to:
The code has values that can be easily changed to produce desirable results: the length of the jump from one point to new (d), how many steps we take in one line until starting new (durationOneSquiggle), control the maximum density of the line fill (controlDensity), the stroke weight (strokeW), whether to show the image or not when drawing (showImage) and finally the image address (imageAddress).
The idea behind the code - having the black/white photo we want to draw squiggly lines on top of the black region. The code starts randomly from one point, and every iteration of draw() steps distance d to another black pixel. If the line is too long or gets stuck - it terminates and a new one is started.
The additional functions:
initNew() - initializes the new curve from random black pixel
getNear() - finds a black pixel that is distance d from the current position
randomPosition() - returns [x, y] of the random position (20 pixels away from borders).