rest api for athletes player profiles data
- startproject myfirstproject
- creates your first project where you could host your DB, api projects, web proejcts, can all be hosted within this main project.
- python startapp myfristappweb
- allows you to launch your specific web service for your program.
python runserver
- Testing Database can be found with the following
- Export Database or place this data inside of your config files
export DATABASE_URL="postgres://"
- endpoint is going to be hello-view, and it's going to render the as_view
- Updating Admin site is very crucial
- adding mulitple projects is another key lesson learned.
- Database migrations can be updated
- Leverage Gunicorn
- Ensure your server app(main application) is at the root level of your project
- Leverage Whitenoise to collect static content when working with Django
- Serializers allow you to create a post and put to your database
- Allows you convert json data into python objects that can be stored in the database
- setup for loading logic
- different then a view set because it is based on custom logic
- simple and quick for CRUD application
- viewset automagically saves the creates a template for your data page
- Viewsets require you to go the specifc object in the data to do more specific commands such as update
- When working with Login profiles we noticed that there are key authorizaiton tokens that we have to be aware off
- key learnings of adding authnetications and login information
Create new profile
- validate profile data
List Existing profiles
- search for profiles
View Player Dashboard
- displays risk score
- injury history
- tib_anterior_lle
- tib_anterior_rle
- Currently struggling to figure out how to save the emg data from the different sessions that the athletes will have. Seeing that there is an option for one to many relations. Basic fundamental table for the sensor collection could be emg:float, timestamp:timestamp, user_profile:foreignkey
*** Definition ***
'Get /api/players/'
"name":"Lebron James",
"injury_history":"Poor knees",
"current_injury":"None available",
"assessment":"Player is serious risk on injuring their tibular anterior",
"treatment":"Soak and ice knee until, and go through plyo excersises"
*** Definition ***
'Get /api/players/'
"name":"Lebron James",
"name":"Lebron James",
"name":"Lebron James",
"name":"Kyle James",
*** Defintion ***
'Post /api/players/'
{"name":"Kehlin Swain",
"assessment":"this is my assessment for the current player",
"treatment":"this is my treatment for the current player",
*** Defintion ***
'Post /assessment/'
{"assessment":"Hello this is my assessment of how the athlete is doing in his trials"
"treatment":"Your athlete will need to do x,y, and z to complete his next actions"
# a-z_report_project
This will be a repo for the a-z report project