This is a fully-functional, large-scale Full-Stack social network for portfolio demonstration purposes. The technologies it uses include:
- ExpressJS
- MongoDB (provided live by mLab)
- Mongoose
- Passport with JSON Web Token
- Validator
- BcryptJS
- ReactJS 16 with Redux
- Concurrently
This project is based on the "MERN Stack Front To Back: Full-Stack React, Redux, & Node.js" Udemy course by Brad Traversy
In the root ("DevConnectorSocNet") directory, the Node server can be started via either node server
or npm start
, which are scripted to work exactly the same, or by typing either nodemon
or npm run server
, which will continually listen for changes, and are also scripted to do the same thing.
If you decide that you wish to clone the repository and run the app locally, you can run npm install && npm run client-install
from the root folder to install all dependencies with one command, and then from the same location, run npm run dev
to run both servers (the Back-End Node server and the Front-End ReactJS server) concurrently, as it is also scripted to do so in the package.json file.
Docs for the automatic usage of Gravatar images are at the Node Gravatar GitHub page