This repository includes my user dotfiles, as well as other files outside of ~/ that I consider a crucial part of my system.
I use GNU Stow to manage the configuration files across the filesystem at a single point of change.
I use a detailed .gitignore in an attempt to avoid sharing secrets on GitHub.
See also my Arch Linux install notes gist, odroid-server-config repo, and Windows setup notes gist.
Some files in this repository end with *.bak. When installing Arch Linux, I chose to have an encrypted disk via LVM on LUKS with separate / and /home partitions. Because I store my configuration files in ~/, this choice unfortunately means that some of the configuration files on the / partition cannot be symlinked because the /home partition is not yet ready when the configuration file is first accessed. As a temporary workaround, I symlink the file with an added .bak extension and manually overwrite the actual file when it needs updating. The next time I reinstall I will keep / and /home on the same partition.