GearMate is a peer-to-peer rental platform where users can rent outdoor gear, games, or hardware for short-term needs. Unlike large corporate stores that charge high prices for low-quality equipment, GearMate empowers individuals to share their gear with others, fostering a community of trust and sustainability.
- Seamless Search: Powered by ElasticSearch for fast and accurate gear discovery.
- Interactive Map: Integrated with Google Maps API to locate gear near you.
- Photo Uploads: Gear photos are managed using Active Storage, with images stored in AWS S3.
- Secure Authentication: User accounts are authenticated via Firebase for enhanced security.
- Optimized Performance: Backend built with Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL for reliable data management.
- Responsive Frontend: Developed in React, ensuring a user-friendly interface on all devices.
- Backend: Hosted on Heroku, utilizing its seamless deployment pipeline and scalability.
- Frontend: Deployed on Vercel, ensuring fast delivery and performance.
- Spring 2025: Exclusive beta testing phase with a select group of users.
- Enhanced Payment Features: Integration with Stripe for secure transactions.
- User Reviews and Ratings: Implementing a user rating system to enhance gear quality.