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Hindley-Milner with contracts.
Class assignment for dvh's fall '14 cmsc631.

E ::= n                 # some natural number
   |  true
   |  false
   |  x                 # some variable name
   |  (add1 E)
   |  (+ E E)
   |  (* E E)
   |  (/ E E)
   |  (= E E)
   |  (and E E)
   |  (not E)
   |  (or E E)
   |  (if E E E)
   |  (lambda x E)
   |  (let (x E) E)
   |  (? E)
   |  (-> E E)
   |  (! E E)
   |  (E E)

T ::= B
   |  N                 # includes divide by zero errors
   |  T -> T
   |  T/c
   |  X

TE ∈ ℘(T * T)
EQ ∈ ℘(T * T)
XS ∈ ℘(X)

The notation `T = T'` denotes that types T and T' are equal and is
represented as a pair of types T and T'. The notation `T if EQ`
represents some type T if the set of type equality assertions EQ can
be unified and is represented as a pair of types T and EQ. Most work
of the type system is shunted off to unification. Unification is
implemented as per Van Horn's /Program Analysis and Understanding/
with some extensions detailed below.

The ternary typing relation _ |- _ : _ ∈ TE * E * (B * EQ) is defined
as follows:

Base leaves:

  -------------------- true
  TE |- true : B if {}

  --------------------- false
  TE |- false : B if {}

  ----------------- n
  TE |- n : N if {}

`unary` and `binary` handle tedious patterns for expressions that
always return base types:

         TE |- E : T' if EQ
  ----------------------------------- base unary
  unary T TE E = T if EQ U (T = T')

      TE |- E : T' if EQ        TE |- E' : T'' if EQ'
  ------------------------------------------------------- base binary
  binary T TE E E' = T if EQ U EQ' U (T = T') U (T = T'')

Base operations:

  N if EQ = unary N TE E
  ------------------------ add1
  TE |- (add1 E) : N if EQ

  N if EQ = binary N TE E E'
  -------------------------- *
   TE |- (* E E') : N if EQ

  N if EQ = binary N TE E E'
  -------------------------- +
   TE |- (+ E E') : N if EQ

  N if EQ = binary N TE E E'
 -------------------------- /
   TE |- (/ E E') : N if EQ

  B if EQ = unary B TE E
  ----------------------- not
  TE |- (not E) : B if EQ

  B if EQ = binary B TE E E'
  -------------------------- or
   TE |- (or E E') : B if EQ

  B if EQ = binary B TE E E'
  -------------------------- and
  TE |- (and E E') : B if EQ

Equality is defined for everything and always returns a boolean. Bit
of a cop-out, but we'll just assume that function equality is defined
to be false.

  TE |- E : T if EQ   TE |- E' : T' if EQ
  --------------------------------------- =
        (= E E') |- B if EQ U EQ'

For if, the predicate must be in B and the branches must have the same

    TE |- E' : T' if EQ' TE |- E'' : T'' if EQ'' TE |- E : T if EQ
  ------------------------------------------------------------------- if
  TE |- (if E E' E'') : T' if EQ U EQ' U EQ'' U (T = B) U (T' = T'')

The metafunction `genvar` always returns a fresh type variable. It is
used here to generate a new type variable for lambda's input,

  T = genvar   TE, X : T |- E : T' if EQ
  -------------------------------------- lambda
    TE |- (lambda X E) : T -> T' if EQ

`genvar` is used again to generate a type variable for the result of
an application.

  TE |- E : T if EQ   TE |- E' : T' if EQ'   T'' = genvar
  ------------------------------------------------------- app
     TE |- (E E') : T'' if EQ U EQ' U (T = T' -> T'')

The metafunction `fv` is defined using structural recursion over the
given type:

  fv(X)           = {X}
  fv(T -> T')     = fv(T) U fv(T')
  fv(T/c)         = fv(T)
  fv(∀ X ... . T) = fv(T) - BS ...
  fv(_)           = {} otherwise

`fv` can be lifted to TE as the union of the free variables of every
element in its codomain.

The metafunction `gen` generalizes some type T in environment TE as

  gen(TE, T) = ∀ (fv T) - (fv TE) . T

and enables let polymorphism in the following rule.

  TE |- E : T if EQ   TE, X : gen(TE, T) |- E' : T' if EQ'
  -------------------------------------------------------- let
       TE |- (let (X E) E') : T' if EQ U EQ'

Typing contracts is easy. Predicates generate a new assertion that E's
type is a function from some type T to B.

     T = genvar   TE |- E : T' if EQ
  --------------------------------------- pred contract
  TE |- (? E) : T/c if EQ U (T' = T -> B)

Contract arrows generate new type variables T'' and T''' for the type
parameters of the contract types T and T', respectively.

    TE |- E : T if EQ   TE |- E' : T' if EQ'
         T'' = genvar   T''' = genvar
  --------------------------------------------- arr contract
  TE |- (-> E E') : (T'' -> T''')/c
     if EQ U EQ' U (T'' = T/c) U (T''' = T''/c)

Monitors generate a new type variable T'' for the type parameter of
the contract type T.

    TE |- E : T if EQ    TE |- E' : T' if EQ'
                 T'' = genvar
  --------------------------------------------- monitor
  TE |- (! E E') : T' if EQ U EQ' U (T = T''/c)

Beta reduction is defined for types as follows:

  β(T -> T', X, U)  = β(T, X, U) -> β(T', X, U)
  β(T/c, X, U)      = β(T, X, U)/c
  β(Y, X, U)        = U when X = Y
  β(Y, X, U)        = X when X != Y
  β(∀ YS . T, X, U) = ∀ YS . T when X ∈ YS
  β(∀ YS . T, X, U) = ∀ YS . β(T, X, U) when X ∉ YS
  β(T, X, U)        = T otherwise

Variables mapping to polytypes are instantiated with the metafunction
`inst`, iteratively generating fresh variables for all bound variables
using `β`. Monotypes are just returned:

  inst(∀ XS . T)   = inst'(XS, T)
  inst(T)          = T otherwise
  inst'({}, T)     = T
  inst'(X U XS, T) = inst'(XS, β(T, X, genvar))

Finally the typing rule for variables:

  X : T ∈ TE   T' = inst(T)
  ------------------------- var
      TE |- X : T' if {}

After all this we have some type T if EQ can be unified. Unification
is extended componentwise through arrows and contracts, and handles
recursive types by checking if a variable occurs in its own type

  occurs(TE, X, T -> T') = occurs(TE, X, T) or occurs(TE, X, T')
  occurs(TE, X, T/c)     = occurs(TE, X, T)
  occurs(TE, X, Y)       = X = Y
  occurs(TE, X, _)       = false otherwise

  unify(T) = unify'(EQ, T)

  unify'(                      {}, TE) = TE

  unify'(     (T = T')       U EQ, TE) = unify'(EQ,                       TE)
    when T = T'
  unify'(     (X = T)        U EQ, TE) = unify'(EQ U (T = TE(X)),         TE)
    when not occurs(TE, X, T)
  unify'(     (T = X)        U EQ, TE) = unify'(EQ U (X = T),             TE)

  unify'(   (T/c = T'/c)     U EQ, TE) = unify'(EQ U (T = T'),            TE)

  unify'((T -> U = T' -> U') U EQ, TE) = unify'(EQ U (T = T') U (U = U'), TE)


Clement, (1987). The Natural Dynamic Semantics of Mini-Standard
  ML. TAPSOFT'87, Vol 2. LNCS, Vol. 250, pp 67–81
Damas, Milner (1982), "Principal type-schemes for functional
  programs". 9th Symposium on Principles of programming languages
  (POPL'82) pp. 207–212, ACM
Findler, Robert Bruce, and Matthias Felleisen. "Contracts for
  higher-order functions." ACM SIGPLAN Notices. Vol. 37. No. 9. ACM,
  2002.  Van Horn, Program Analysis and Understanding


Hindley-Milner with contracts






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