Dependency injector for Node.js written in Vanilla JS
charmander.register('depenendecy', require('dependency');
module.exports = charmander.inject(['dependency'], function(dependency){
return dependency.helloWorld();
}, this)();
You're building an app to get all pokemons around the world starting with an specific char. To do that, you have the following module
var pokemon = require('pokemon');
module.exports = {
getPokemonStartingWith: function(char) {
var pokemons = pokemon.all(),
filteredPokemons = pokemons.filter(function(p) {
return p[0].toUpperCase() === char.toUpperCase();
return filteredPokemons;
In last example, we required the 'pokemon' module to get every pokemon around the world. The function of our module, works as expected, but we know you're a great developer and you want to start testing.
When you started to write the test, you've realized that var pokemon = require('pokemon')' should have been injected somehow, otherwise it won't be possible to test with a mock pokemon module.
Therefore, you need an injector, and that's when charmander-injector does its magic. Let's refactor our module using 🔥 charmander 🔥.
var charmander = require('charmander-injector');
charmander.register('pokemon', require('pokemon'));
module.exports = charmander.inject(
function getPokemon(pokemon) {
'use strict'
return function getPokemonStartingWith(char) {
var pokemons = pokemon.all(),
filteredPokemons = pokemons.filter(function(p) {
return p[0].toUpperCase() === char.toUpperCase();
return filteredPokemons;
And this is your test!
var charmander = require('charmander-injector');
charmander.registerMock('pokemon', {
all: function() {
return ['dummy pokemon 1', 'aPokemon', 'aaPokemon'];
//The order is important (for now)
var getPokemonStartingWith = require('../example');
describe('example', function() {
'use strict';
it('getPokemonsStartingWith x char', function() {
var result = getPokemonStartingWith('a');
expect(result).toEqual(['aPokemon', 'aaPokemon']);