This project includes some bash scripts to improve your terminal working efficiency
It's suggested to clone this project to ~/bin/ and source in your .bashrc file.
However, you can customize the path as you wish.
cd ~/bin
git clone
echo "source ~/bin/terminal-working-env/" >> ~/.bash_profile
Note that you have to restart your terminal before the commands can be used, or you can simply execute following command to reload the script.
source ~/.bash_profile
Path Navigation Commands:
godir <regex>
Navigate to the source root of one of your large project.
Execute "godir" to create index file named .filelist.
Afterward, you can godir to navigate to files that matches the regular expression
For example,
godir LocationManager
godir landice/.* -
After .filelist is created, you can use croot to change back to source root when you are in somewhere deep in your project folder -
lsp <path_alias>
llp <path_alias>
ldp <path_alias>
lsp saves current path to a environment variable with a path alias that you can load with llp.
ldp deletes the path alias."llp list" lists the current path aliases in the environment variable.
"llp slist <list_name>" saves all path aliases to a file later you can load them back.
"llp llist <list_name>" loads all path aliases back from a file you saved with "llp slist".
"llp dlist <list_name>" removes a saved path list file.
"llp lslist" lists all the path list you can load with "llp llist".Note that <list_name> is not a filename.
It's just a short name you can easily remember.
The actual list file will be saved to ~/.path_alias