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Module PKTools


Name PKTools
Author Paula Kingsley
Type Script
Version 2.19.0
Description Various PowerShell tools, functions, demos, stuff, things
Date file generated on Friday, October 25, 2024 7:34:46 PM

This module contains 30 PowerShell functions or commands

All functions should have reasonably detailed comment-based help, accessible via Get-Help ... e.g.,

  • Get-Help Do-Something
  • Get-Help Do-Something -Examples
  • Get-Help Do-Something -ShowWindow


Computers must:

  • be running PowerShell 4.0.0 or later


Clone/copy entire module directory into a valid PSModules folder on your computer and run Import-Module PKTools


All code should be presumed to be written by Paula Kingsley unless otherwise specified (see the context help within each function for more information, including credits).

Changelogs are generally found within individual functions, not per module.


Command Version Synopsis
Backup-PKChromeProfile 01.01.0000 Backs up Chrome profiles to file
Convert-PKBytesToSize 01.00.0000 Converts any integer size given to a user friendly size
Convert-PKEXchangeSMTPLog 01.00.0000 Parses an Exchange send or receive connector log from a file (string or object) and returns a PSObject
Convert-PKIISLog 01.00.0000 Parses an IIS log from a file (string or object) and returns a PSObject
ConvertTo-PKCSV 01.00.0000 Performs ConvertTo-CSV on an input object, with customizeable delimiter and options to remove header row/quotes
ConvertTo-PKRegex 02.00.0000 Escapes characters in one or more strings for nefarious regex purposes
Format-PKBytes 01.00.0000 Converts bytes to human-readable form--detecting B,KB,MB,GB,TB,PB--and returning a PSObject or string
Format-PKLDAPFilter 01.00.0000 Formats an LDAP filter string with line breaks and indentation, outputting as a more visually readable string
Get-PKADDisabledObject 01.00.0000 Retrieves details of disabled Active Directory objects
Get-PKADUserDisabledDate 01.00.0000 Uses Get-ADUser and Get-ADReplicationAttributeMetadata to return the date user objects were disabled
Get-PKDateTimeExamples 01.00.0000 Returns standard or unix format date/time formatting options with examples and descriptions
Get-PKGPResult 01.00.0000 Executes gpresult to an HTML or XML file, with the option to modify html font name/size and launch the file with the associated handler
Get-PKInputObjectType 01.00.0000 Uses regex to check the type of the input object, in friendly and full name/type formats.
Get-PKJOTD 01.00.0000 Retrieves jokes from the API based on specified parameters
Get-PKSID 01.00.0000 Gets the SID for one or more local or domain users or groups via .NET
Get-PKTaniumClient 01.02.0000 Gets the Tanium Client service and registry configuration from one or more computers, using Get-WMIObject for downlevel compatibility
Install-PKVSCodePortable 01.02.0000 Downloads and installs or updates VSCode Portable in a specified target directory, since Portable can't update itself!
New-PKCodeSigningCert 01.01.0000 Creates a new self-signed certificate on the local computer in the current user's certificate store
New-PKComplexPassword 01.00.0000 Uses Get-Random and defined character sets to generate a password between 10 and 265 characters, with option to return secure string or plain text
New-PKFakeIdentity 01.00.0000 Generates one or more random identities using Invoke-WebRequest and API call to, with option to return only basic details
New-PKJargonIpsum 01.00.0000 Want a wall of mission statements? This function generates jargon-filled Lorem Ipsum text from internal dictionary arrays of words,
so you can fit in at your next meeting!
New-PKPassphrase 02.00.0000 Uses REST API calls to generates one or more passphrases of English or Lorem Ipsum,
with the option to pick the count, the word count, the separator character, and number of integers
Open-PKChrome 01.00.0000 Launches a URL in Chrome, with options for default profile/new window
Remove-PKAttributeBit 01.00.0000 Removes one or more filesystem attribute bits from one or more files or folders (recursive)
Remove-PKMcAfee 01.00.0000 Removes McAfee Enterprise endpoint client from local computer without a key
Resolve-PKDNSName 01.01.0000 Performs forward and reverse lookups of one or more names or IP addresses, optionally testing for forward/reverse name match
Restore-PKISESession 03.00.0000 Restores tabs/files from text file created using Save-PKISESession
Save-PKISESession 03.00.0000 Saves open tabs in current ISE session to a file
Test-PKLdapSSLConnection 01.01.0000 Tests an LDAPS connection, returning information about the negotiated SSL connection including the server certificate.
Update-PKADDisabledObjDescription 01.00.0000 Updates the description field of disabled Active Directory objects with the object's disabled and last logon dates.


Module of PowerShell tools







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