Release 2.9.1
🚀 Enhancement
- #160 Consume job for prepublishing (@madnificent)
- #161 Improve wording around notification (@abeforgit)
- #156 Update the hostname in the footer (@Windvis)
🐛 Bug Fix
- #162 BUGFIX: now you can sign and publish the same document and will be shown as such (@lagartoverde)
- #160 Consume job for prepublishing (@madnificent)
- #158 Fix print view overflow issue when   is used in text (@Dietr)
Committers: 5
- Aad Versteden (@madnificent)
- Arne Bertrand (@abeforgit)
- Dieter Peirs (@Dietr)
- Oscar Rodriguez Villalobos (@lagartoverde)
- Sam Van Campenhout (@Windvis)