Budget Tracker with fun elements. Our budget website will allow manual entry of income and expenses, recuring bills and profits, monthly budget goals, and other features.
Team Name: Lilian's Villiains (Villian is intentional misspelled to represent the corrupted pronunciation of Villian necessary to maintian the rhyme)
Individual Names: Lillian Presley (Head Villain) Irene Bindang Abeso Angue (Associate Villain) Donald Webster (Associate Villain)
General Project Rule and Requirment Notes
Must use mvc style
Must use a theme, and a true theme nota theme that is just one csv file as per Professor Matthew(PM)
Must use a 3rd party api (Bing search will not cut it as per PM) Chatbots are acceptable
Project is due midnight of the day of our alloted final exam time. I could not find the exact date, but finals start May 2nd so around 5/2/22.