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Yet another Ruby version for rinha do backend
- 2 Ruby 3.2 +YJIT apps
- 1 PostgreSQL
$ make help
Usage: make <target>
help Prints available commands
start.dev Start the rinha in Dev
start.prod Start the rinha in Prod
docker.stats Show docker stats
health.check Check the stack is healthy
stress.it Run stress tests
docker.build Build the docker image
docker.push Push the docker image
You can start the stack by using the public image leandronsp/rinha-backend-ruby
with the following command:
$ docker compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml up -d nginx
# Or using make
$ make start.prod
Or, in case you want to run the stack using local build and volumes:
$ docker compose up -d nginx
# Or using make
$ make start.dev
Then perform a health check to ensure the app is running correctly:
$ curl -v http://localhost:9999/contagem-pessoas
# Or
$ make health.check
Make sure you copy all the resource/simulation files and Gatling script to the project and:
$ make stress.it
$ open stress-test/user-files/results/**/index.html