本仓库来自Tinymce, 在此基础上作了修改. 同样都基于LGPL协议.
- master 作为Leanote web版编辑器
- desktop-app 作为Leanote桌面版编辑器
- grunt minify
- grunt bundle --themes leanote --plugins autolink,link,leaui_image,leaui_mindmap,lists,hr,paste,searchreplace,leanote_nav,leanote_code,tabfocus,table,directionality,textcolor
先要删除tinymce.dev.js, tinymce.js, tinymce.min.js 不然 grunt amdlc:core不会生成这几个文件!!!
可能是因为没有变化, 所以不再生成!
- Install Node.js
- Open a console and go to the project directory
- Write "npm i -g grunt-cli" to install the grunt command line tool globally.
- Write "npm i" to install all package dependencies.
- Build TinyMCE by writing "grunt"
Lints, minified, unit tests and creates release packages for TinyMCE.
grunt minify
Minifies all JS and CSS files.
grunt test
Runs all qunit tests on PhantomJS.
grunt lint
Runs all source files though various JS linters.
grunt sc-test
Runs all qunit tests on Saucelabs.
grunt watch
Watches for source code changes and triggers rebuilds and linting.
grunt --help
Displays the various build tasks.
grunt bundle --themes modern --plugins table,paste
Minifies the core, adds the modern theme and adds the table and paste plugin into tinymce.min.js.
You can read more about how to contribute to this project at http://www.tinymce.com/develop/contributing.php