Unofficial Nord Theme.
Not a package. Simply save to the sublime packages folder and it should work.
- Agila-Theme - .sublime-theme source code and Icons (and the very helpful comments!)
- Boxy - Icons
- fjlaubscher - .tmTheme source code
- carlevison
I'm not a designer nor a UI expert. If there are mistakes or things that I could do to improve the theme, simply add an issue.
[46, 52, 64] --> #2E3440 nord0 Used for texts, backgrounds, carets & structuring characters like curly/square brackets.
tab section background | tab element background | tab element active state | sidebar background | sidebar tree | quick panel section | text input field border |
bottom panel background |quick panel background | mini quick panel section
title_bar | code completion table row | button labels hover |
button labels | find buttons | button labels pressed | scrollbar vertical control |
scrollbar horizontal control | scroll corner control | empty window | grid layout
[59, 66, 82] --> #3B4252 nord1 Used as a lighter background color for UI elements like status bars.
tab element hover state | status bar background | quick panel row hover state |
| mini quick panel row hover state |
mini quick panel row selected state | code completion table row hover state |
code completion table row selected state
[67, 76, 94] --> #434C5E nord2 Used as line highlighting in the editor.
In the UI scope it may be used as selection- and hightlight color.
selected sidebar row state | minimap control |
quick panel row selected state | code completion table row selected state |
mini quick panel row selected state
[76, 86, 106] --> #4C566A nord3 Used for comments, invisibles, indent- and wrap guide marker.
In the UI scope used as pseudoclass color for disabled elements.
tab label inactive state | sidebar entry default state |
autocomplete foreground | tab close button | tab inactive dirty button |
tab inactive dirty button | scroll left/right button | fold button control default state |
scroll drag/pluck |
[216, 222, 233] --> #D8DEE9 nord4 Main color for text, variables, constants and attributes.
In the UI scope used as semi-light background depending on the theme shading design.
tab label active state | status bar text color | sidebar folder default state | sidebar entry selected state | sidebar entry hover state |
quick panel foreground | title_bar | quick panel foreground |
quick panel path label | quick panel foreground | quick panel path label |
autocomplete match label | autocomplete foreground | text dropdown tint
tab dropdown tint |
[229, 233, 240] --> #E5E9F0 nord5 Used as a lighter background color for UI elements like status bars.
Used as semi-light background depending on the theme shading design.
tab label inactive state | bottom icon default state | bottom icon default state |
bottom icon default state | bottom icon default state | bottom icon default state |
bottom icon default state | fold button control hover state
[236, 239, 244] --> #ECEFF4 nord6 Used for punctuations, carets and structuring characters like curly- and square brackets.
In the UI scope used as background, selection- and hightlight color depending on the theme shading design.
[143, 188, 187] --> #8FBCBB nord7 Used for classes, types and documentation tags
[136, 192, 208] --> #88C0D0 nord8 Represents the accent color of the color palette.
Main color for primary UI elements and methods/functions.
label default | find buttons hover state | find buttons pressed state |
bottom icon hover state | bottom icon selected state | bottom icon hover state |
bottom icon selected state | bottom icon hover state | bottom icon selected state |
bottom icon hover state | bottom icon selected state | bottom icon hover state |
bottom icon selected state | tab close button hover state | tab active dirty button |
tab dropdown hover state | scroll tab left/right button hover |
text field dropdown hover state | tab element selected border color
[129, 161, 193] --> #81A1C1 nord9 Used for language-specific syntactic/reserved support characters and keywords, operators, tags, units and punctuations like (semi)colons,commas and braces.
quick panel match label | quick panel selected match foreground |
[94, 129, 172] --> #5E81AC nord10 Used for markup doctypes, import/include/require statements, pre-processor statements and at-rules (@
[191, 97, 106] --> #BF616A nord11 Used for errors, git/diff deletion and linter marker.
[208, 135, 112] --> #D08770 nord12 Used for annotations. In the UI scope used for warnings and git/diff renamings.
[235, 203, 139] --> #EBCB8B nord13 Used for escape characters, regular expressions and markup entities.
In the UI scope used for warnings and git/diff renamings.
[163, 190, 140] --> #A3BE8C nord14 Main color for strings and attribute values.
In the UI scope used for git/diff additions and success visualizations.
[180, 142, 173] --> #B48EAD nord15 Used for numbers.