If you want to join the Beta Testing program, drop a mail to info @ alterego . solutions . We will invite you to join our Crashlytics testing team.
If you want to join development team, well, just fork this repo and work with branches, issue numbers and pull-request. Every contribution is greatly appreciated.
We are using issues for everything:
- Tasks
- Bugs
- Questions
- Brainstorming
- Feature requests
Unisannio for Android uses:
- RxJava as Reactive Programming framework
- Jsoup and Gson for data retrieving and manipulation
- Dagger as dependency injection system
- ButterKnife as View Injector
- Lombok to save a bit of Java Boilerplate
- Advanced Android Logger as logging system
Apache Licence v2 (see LICENCE file)
Copyright (c) 2015 Alter Ego srls