A proof-of-concept implementation of a tokenizer and parser for a toy language
Interactive REPL hosted at: http://legendary-code.github.io/micro-lisp/
To run locally:
- Check out the source
- npm install
- npm --global install gulp
- gulp serve
NUMBER := /(-?)[0-9]+/
STRING := /”[^”]*”/
NAME := /[^0-9”][^”\(\)\s]+/
lowercase represents abstract syntax tree nodes, UPPERCASE represents tokens, strings in 'single quotes' represent their respective tokens as well.
program := ‘(‘ ‘program’ expression* ‘)’
boolean := ‘true’ | ‘false’
number := NUMBER
string := STRING
name := NAME
expression := name |
number |
string |
boolean |
invocation |
function_definition |
invocation := ‘(‘ name expression* ‘)’
function_definition := ‘(‘ ‘defn’ name ‘(‘ name* ‘)’ expression ‘)’
native_function_definition := {native impl of a function, not parsed}
> greater than
< less than
>= greater than or equal
<= less than or equal
= equal
!= not equal
<> not equal
names prints out all names (functions and vars)
eval evaluates a given string using the micro-lisp parser against the current environment
if conditional branching
let assigns name to an expressions evaluated value
+ add (n-ary)
- subtract (n-ary)
* multiply (n-nary)
/ divinde (binary)
% modulo (binary)
print prints evaluated expressions (n-ary)
println prints evaluated expressions and a newline (n-ary)
help prints out list of basic repl commands
fizzbuzz prints a smaple fizzbuzz program that can be copied/pasted back into the repl
github opens this project page in github
clear clears the repl buffer
reset resets the repl environment and buffer to its original state
concat concatenate a set of evaluated expressions