Fakes the Contentful Management API. For full reference of API see https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/references/content-management-api/
POST /spaces/yadj1kx9rmg0/entries
"fields": {
"title": {
"en-US": "Hello, World!"
"body": {
"en-US": "Bacon is healthy!"
- DELETE /spaces/:spaceid/entries/:entryid/archived
- UPDATE /spaces/:spaceid/entries/:entryid/archived
- DELETE /spaces/:spaceid/entries/:entryid/published
- PUT /spaces/:spaceid/entries/:entryid/published
- GET /spaces/:spaceid
- GET /spaces/:spaceid/entries/
- Supports filters: in, nin, limit, skip
- GET /spaces/:spaceid/entries/:entryid
- DELETE /spaces/:spaceid/entries/:entryid
Load the fake-contentful image and link it into your container where you can override the api.contentful.com url to point to fake container.
version: "2"
build: .
- fakeContentful:api.contentful.com
- fakeContentful
image: jahmie/fake-contentful
Make sure to also allow insecure connection to force Contentful SDK to use port 80.
const contentfulManagement = require('contentful-management');
const contentfulClient = contentfulManagement.createClient({
insecure: true,
accessToken: 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
If you do notw ant to ovverride the api.contentful.com url, then you can also use the host option when creating client.
const contentfulManagement = require('contentful-management');
const contentfulClient = contentfulManagement.createClient({
insecure: true,
host: 'fakeContentful'
accessToken: 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
To enable overrides, copy the file docker-compose.override-example.yml into docker-compose.override.yml, it is gitignored.
docker-compose up
npm test