A Giter8 template for a project to be adopting Lerna Project!
This project provides a g8 template for a project to be adopting Lerna.
To create a new project using this template, Use sbt new
like below.
# Create a new project from the `main` branch (stable, the latest).
sbt new lerna-stack/lerna.g8
If you want to use another version, use the following commands according to the purpose.
# Create a new project from the `develop` branch (unstable).
sbt new lerna-stack/lerna.g8 --branch develop
# Create a new project from the `v2020.12.0` tag (stable, may not be the latest).
sbt new lerna-stack/lerna.g8 --tag v2020.12.0
You can change the below properties to fit your purpose.
name | description |
name |
A project name to be created |
We want to maintain the containing template project as compilable. Gitter8's template string processing is powerful, but it will be hard to maintain the template project as compilable.
Since lerna.g8 provides a combination of third partie's libraries (like a BOM),
we use Calendar Versioning YYYY.MM.MICRO
rather than Semantic Versioning.
(default, stable, the latest)develop
Tag is useful to use a specific stable version.
You can check all releases on Releases · lerna-stack/lerna.g8.
Written in 2020 by TIS Inc.
To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this template to the public domain worldwide. This template is distributed without any warranty. See http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/.
This g8
template uses src-layout style.
The directory src/main/g8 is a sbt
project to be used as the template.
If you want to change something about the template,
you can open src/main/g8
as an sbt project in your favorite editor.
It will be recognized as a general sbt project.
You can see all the notable changes in CHANGELOG.
Run sbt test
For more details, please refer the Giter8 Document.