Note: From now on, new development on LESS will be happening in
See for less ruby development.
It's time CSS was done right – LESS is leaner css.
to get the latest development version:
sudo gem install less -s
to get the latest stable version:
sudo gem install less
LESS allows you to write CSS the way (I think) it was meant to, that is: with variables, nested rules and mixins!
@dark: #110011;
.outline (@width: 1) { border: (@width * 10px) solid black }
.article {
a { text-decoration: none }
p { color: @dark }
.article a { text-decoration: none }
.article p { color: #110011 }
.article { border: 30px solid black }
If you have CSS nightmares, just $ lessc style.less
For more information, see you at
- Dmitry Fadeyev, for pushing me to do this, and designing our awesome website
- August Lilleaas, for initiating the work on the treetop grammar, as well as writing the rails plugin
- Nathan Sobo, for creating treetop
- Jason Garber, for his magical performance optimizations on treetop
- And finally, the people of #ruby-lang for answering all my ruby questions. apeiros, manveru and rue come to mind