Used cachedRequest to avoid invalid oauth token error. (especially for those who use the script with tmux status)
Node.js interface for the Spotify WebHelper API, based on this great article: http://cgbystrom.com/articles/deconstructing-spotifys-builtin-http-server/
The API interacts with the SpotifyWebHelper process via HTTP. For windows, the module checks whether SpotifyWebHelper.exe is running, and try to run it if not.
This module exposes the SpotifyWebHelper object, which exposes the following methods:
- getStatus (cb : function(err, res)) - get current status information (name of song/artist which is currently playing, etc..)
- pause (cb : function(err, res)) - pause currently playing song
- unpause (cb : function(err, res)) - unpause currently playing song
- play (spotifyurl : string, cb : function(err, res)) - play the given spotify url
- Constructor (port : number (optional)) - Creates a new SpotifyWebHelper object, default port to communicate with the SpotifyWebHelper is 4370, other port can be specified when creating the object.
var nodeSpotifyWebHelper = require('node-spotify-webhelper');
var spotify = new nodeSpotifyWebHelper.SpotifyWebHelper();
// get the name of the song which is currently playing
spotify.getStatus(function (err, res) {
if (err) {
return console.error(err);
console.info('currently playing:',
res.track.artist_resource.name, '-',